(2) • Getting Captured •

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Today was a very weird day, I got captured, and got took to mutant jail. I really had this coming though, I have "Borrowed" so many things that I really do belong here. But that doesn't mean that I have to like it! So the summary is basically that Charles thought that I could use my speed to get a big bad weapon, forgot what it's called, and it went south and now I'm here, being taken to a unknown facility in the middle of who knows where. Great, just great. They swung open two huge metal doors and to my horror there was hundreds of thousands of cells with some rough kids, some had blood on them, others were crying, some just looked lifeless. I was mortified, what happened here? They kept dragging me along the barely lit hallway, literally dragging me. "So, how are you guys? I'm betting that you guys are not in the best mood since, ya know, you have to keep me in check.. Because I am very hard to keep up with, with the speed and all." I tried to go into speed mood, if you would like to call it that, but nothing was happening. It all just kept moving at normal speed. "ummm, well this is awkward..." They stopped at a certain cell and brought up a super high tech panel that didn’t fit in with the old building and unlocked the cell. The cell door creaked open and they roughly threw me in the dark cell. "OWWWWW, guy's what did they tell you about treat others the way you want to be treated!" They snickered until their eyes shifted towards the corner, the smirk fell right off their face. "Yeah guys, the guy's got a point. Get lost losers!" the voice was very playful and energetic. The to guys moved away whispering things that I couldn't hear. I turned towards the hyper voice, it was too dark to tell what it looked like, it sounded like a girl but I couldn't be for sure. There was movement in the back corner, it came into the light. It was a girl! "So your the new guy everyone was talking about, the one from the X-Men." What take it back a step, how did she know that, is she dangerous? just keep your cool peter, just keep it cool. "Oh so you know about me, I'm flattered, can I ask how?" She snickered, "well if I told you I would have to kill ya." My face probably went white by her reaction, which was bursting into laughter. "Oh your face was PRICELESS, anyway I'm just kidding, the way I know is because word spreads like wildfire around here. We don't really have anything else to hear about, so when we heard an X-Men member coming, everyone knew about it. Hope you like the spotlight hun, because you're in it." I took a really good look at her before I responded and if i'm being down right honest, she was pretty good looking. She had drity blonde hair, long bangs with blue streaks in her bangs. She was wearing a gray t-shirt with fit her perfectly with black long leggings, she had a random gray bandana over her eyes but I'm not one to judge. Last thing I noticed was her black utility belt, but instead of weapons it was, spray paint cans. You heard me right, spray paint cans. "Are you checking me out new guy?" I was snapped out of my thoughts and was very caught off guard "Umm, n-no, why would you think that, you're not even cute!" "Suit yourself boy, anywho what would you like the room to look like? The guards told me that I was getting a new cellmate, so I thought to start fresh and ask you what you would like it to look like. I'm fine with most things, just don't do anything that is one color. I hate it when people do that." I moved closer to the wall to get a better look at it and I did see little imperfections here and there but for the most part nothing. "How did you get the spray paint painter girl? Because to me, they ain't the kind of people that would give away free stuff." She gave an 'are you serious look' before she proceeded to explain. "One, that is one of the worst nicknames ever. Second, I got the spray paint over time, I have been here since I was around five if I can recall correctly. And third... That's all I got." "Wait, since you were five! How old are you? How did you end up here? How long will I be here? This is insane!" "Ok, Chill. Out. You will not be in here as long as I have been. The longest you will be in here is about a week, and that's very low chance. I have a plan to get outta here but sadly I can't tell you because I don't know you yet and that would ruin all that me and alpha have planned." Wait plan, and who's alpha? What kind of superhero name is that! To be clear that is offending to all of the mutant race. "Ok if you need to know me to tell me the plan then we need a proper introduction, I'm peter maximoff, I'm a speedster, I am also a kleptomaniac if you would like it to be called that. Personally I just borrow stuff but you know, whatever. And I love twinkies. Now, tell me about you." She looked at me with I think astonishment but I'm not one to know people's emotions rather than annoyance. "OK, My name is bolt, I am also a speedster, I have ADHD which is very. My big problem is my left eye. One day they were going through my daily experiments they went too far to say the least and created this defect." She lifted her bandana over her eyes then over her head, she put the bandana in her left hand and threw her bangs away from her eye. Her left eye is something I have never seen, she had her right eye as a crystal blue but her left was something else, it was a blood red. I have seen two different colored eyes but never blue and red. Her left eye, the one that was red, had this faint glow to it. So there we stood in the dark, her gaze tore right through me but for some reason I didn't look away. Her eyes were unique, and I don't know why she thinks it is a problem, I have seen much worse. She put the bandana back over her head and resumed were she left off at. "After that I have wore this bandana ever since. My favorite song is 'forget you'. Ok, any comments, questions, or concerns?" I did have one question, "Why did you say your name was bolt. I trusted you with my name. Do you trust me with yours?" She waited for a few seconds trying to find words to say. "Ok this might be confusing but that is my name. When I first got here my mind was wiped of most things of my childhood, including my name. So what they came up with was bolt, you know because of my speed."

"That's not you real name."

"Yes it is."

"No it isn't."

"Why would I lie?"

"Because you barely know me" I challenged her

"I trust you if you trust me and you did so why would I lie?"

"Can I name you."


"You heard me, can I name you?"


"Because I'm not calling you bolt all the time."

"Fine what are you thinking?"

"What do you think?"

"I thought you were going to name me?"

"Yeah well it is your name."

"OK Well my mom's name was Ashley." She stated

"How about ley?"

"No, no, no."

"Ummm, how about Ash."

"Hummm, that's really not to bad."


We just stood there in silence, wow. did I really just name someone, and I barely know them? Wow, today has been really Interesting. "Oh wow I am an idiot, let me turn on the light." she slowly walked over to the wall that the bars were on and there was a neon blue light switch on the wall. She turned it on, there was some to no light at all but it was better than nothing. For once I got to see the room a lot better. There was two twin beds against the walls with one with light blue bed sheets, a silver pillow, and the headrest was a dark brown. The other was white, just white, nothing else. "Wow they really are creative people aren't they." She laughed, and nodded. "Well it is about that time to go to bed, they scan the rooms and if you're not in bed by the time they come by your room... well game over." What did she say game over, did that mean, what I think it means, let's hope not. She moved over toward the colorful bed, lifted the sheets and layed down. This was the first time I have moved since I got in the cell. I went over to the blinding white bed and laid down. I laid there for a few minutes after the guard came down the hall before Ash spoke up." Oh by the way. There is going to be a mutant bidding contest to see who owns us. I know it is cruel, and that will be the ticket out and we need all the help we can get so this is what is going to happen..."

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