The Night He Came

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Third Person P.O.V

The night air in the rooms of Bakura and Ryou was expectantly still, only disturbed by the rhythm of small snores, elicited by the sleeping bodies.

Although they were lovers, both Ryou and Bakura thrashed around a lot and would likely disturb the other by accident.

Ryou slept in a grey shirt, about two or three sizes to big for him, and a pair of white, shorts, again to large but just tight fitting enough that the waist fit comfortably. One of his hands jutted out, off the bed and the other went straight up, but bent around Ryou's head, making a sort of frame. One of his legs would stay normal, locked and straight, the other bent at the knee and crossed over his other one and the blanket draped over his waist, down. Ryou was a fairly light sleeper, something like a door creaking open would easily startle him. Bakura on the other hand, was a heavy sleeper, completely engrossed in his gore filled dream, only something as loud as a vase shattering would stir him. He slept, however, with his blanket flayed around his left side, that leg being straight and arm being draped over his slowly rising and falling chest. His right side was completely different, the leg, sprawled off the bed and grazing the floor, and his arm, underneath his head.

Nevertheless this night was just as quiet as the rest, until a window downstairs creaked unnaturally.

Ryou didn't wake up but became restless and rolled on his side.

A cloaked shadow graced across the living room floor effortlessly avoiding objects. It slowly crept up the stairs, passing the yami's room, taking note of the feeling of violence and how he'll have to complete the deed quickly.

Bakura growled and his arm moved under his pillow. Causing the intruder to bump a hallway table, making it to bump the wall. Ryou was woken by this but, thinking nothing of it kept his eyes closed, to fall back asleep.

The shadow trudged on, coming to rest beside the smaller teen's bedside. He drew a blade and with that Ryou's eyes fluttered open, the man growled quietly and he jumped on the Brit, pinning him with a knee on either side of his tiny waist. Ryou's eyes grew wide with terror as the man grabbed the boy's wrists and pinned them over his head, then being fastened there.

"B-Bakur-aa!" the small, terror-filled cry traveled to the thief king's room  and instantly summoned him from his sleep.

A few seconds later, Bakura's drowsy figure leaned in the doorway, rubbing his eyes,

"Hikar-Hikari!" his eyes grew wide with shock and he jetted forward and football tackled the intruder off of his light.

The man hissed in dismay and made for the window. The former tomb-robber was one step ahead when he leaped over and grabbed the arms of the intruder, but the cloak appeared empty. It fell, lifeless in the darkness's hands.

"Light, are you OK?" Bakura gasped, turning his head to see for himself, half hoping his hikari would answer first

"I th-think" shuddered a familiar  tiny voice

Bakura turned around the rest of the way and saw his poor light. His wrists bound to the head board, with two long cuts on either sides of his arms.

Instinctively, Bakura ran toward, tearing off the bounds and gripping Ryou's wrists tightly were the cuts were. This summoned a yelp from the smaller and Bakura mentally slapped himself for causing his little hikari pain.

After dressing the wound Bakura sat at Ryou's bedside, against many protests he sat there all night, and well into the dawn. Knowing Ryou was safe.


I'm reading over many old stuff and....omehgawd

it burns sometimes. This for example, is like lemon juice, hand sanitizer and vinegar on a paper cut XD

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2014 ⏰

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