Lay All Your Love on Me | Calum Hood

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"Don't go wasting your emotion. Lay all your love on me."

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The sound of the door opening and the soft glow of the hallway light filled the room, bringing her attention from the movie playing in front of her. The sound of distant chatter and heavy bass filled the room, making it difficult to hear the songs playing from the lit screen. Soft, black curls were the first thing Maria noticed, followed by a pair of concerned, dark chocolate eyes following. Had it been rude to abandon the party, sneak off to his room and stream "Mama Mia" on Netflix with his laptop? Possibly. She didn't really care. It had saved her from the obnoxious thump of the bass and the sound of muffled chatter from downstairs. Which was what she was praying for. She had only gotten to the part where Sophie met the three men that could potentially be her fathers before Calum had noticed the small girl was gone.

She just wasn't used to all of the Los Angeles parties and felt extremely overwhelmed when the sixth group of people had shown up at the door. Knowing only the ten people that were hosting the party easily made it even more overwhelming. Maria needed to escape. Having only moved out five months ago, she wasn't used to the people or the way they'd act out when alcohol was introduced. Calum had begged her to show up though and no matter how hard she tried, the brunette couldn't say not to Calum. He had promised her that there was only going to be twenty people but there was easily four times that. She was so attached to a point where it was disgusting. The brown boy could ask her to jump off a bridge with him and she'd gladly say yes.

So Maria casually excused herself to avoid them instead. She wasn't much of a partying girl to begin with. The small girl would go to parties but only when she felt like it. It didn't really help either that she still wasn't really comfortable around she new group of friends, not really understanding their antics and their idiosyncrasy's just yet. Don't get Maria wrong, she loved them to death but sometimes it was too much.

"Are you okay?"

Calum slowly walked in and closed the door behind him, allowing the noise to muffle itself once again and for the comfort of the darkness to resume. He walked towards his bed and plopped himself down on the edge gently, as if he was scared he'd startle the small girl. She didn't understand why. It was his bed.

The smell of his cologne invaded her sense as he slowly moved closer to her on the bed. She could easily tell it was the one she had bought him for his birthday the month prior. She was addicted but she'd never admit it.

Out of everyone Maria had met when she had first moved out, Calum and her had instantly clicked. He just knew her little ticks and mannerisms and knew when it all became to much for her. He had been the first of his group to ask her to hang out and it just stayed that way. They could stay up for hours, talking about the meaning of life or planning the next major gourmet meal. They understood each other and she slowly allowed herself to fall for him. It had only been five months of them knowing each other but she was in complete awe of everything he did.

He had been the one the small girl had instantly confided in and vice versa. He knew when she had her ups and downs, knowing when being around people became too much. Calum could sense when her introverted tendencies came out. Hence the small hiding in his room watching her favorite movie. Maria just needed a distraction that would allow her to hide away from everyone for awhile.

"I thought you'd at least make it to Luke doing a keg stand this time," He added, trying to lighten the mood.

Maria rolled her eyes but couldn't help the snort that escaped her lips. His humor was so bad but found everything he said to be hilarious. She, Maria Flores, was whipped.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2018 ⏰

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