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MACKENZIE WAS RUDELY AWOKEN, on a Saturday morning by the sound of a loud beeping coming from next door. Her eyes fluttered open as she picked up her phone.

"5:58?!" She said, jumping out of her bed and yanking her curtains open, looking slightly to her right to view the front of the neighbors' house and she saw a U-Haul truck.

"What the fuck?" She whispered to herself, extremely annoyed.

Mackenzie figured she would wait a while to see her new neighbors, they already woke her up from her beauty sleep and now, she was wide awake. So, she sat on her bed, waiting for the person who slept in the room across from her.

Not long after, there were two shirtless boys, carrying boxes into the room, one of them, unbeknownst to her, was her new neighbor, the other was her best friend, Hayden.

"What the actual fuck?" She whispered again, walking over to the window, waving her hand in the air. The boys didn't even glance at her, walking out of the room and she sighed walking to her bed, grabbing her phone and shooting Hayden a text.

She soon realized she was tired, yawning loudly as she climbed back into bed with her curtains still wide open.

MACKENZIE WOKE UP, AGAIN, to a light breeze hitting her face, she sat up confused, taking a look around. As she looked to her window, she seen a figure about to hop from her roof to the neighbors' one next door.

She jumped out of bed, running to grab her bat as she held it up, running to her window, but he was already on the other side and she groaned, dropping her bat as she seen a couple of teenage boys, laughing and the mysterious one holding up a black colored bra- her bra !

yoo i want senpai johnny to
notice me on instagram 😔

it's really early here- like
i literally just woke up 😩

IT STARTED WITH A BRA,  JENZIEWhere stories live. Discover now