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Cartman had been trying to come up with a master plan for weeks, but nothing was perfect enough. Cartman, getting bored of his thoughts, got on his computer and went onto his email account.
He saw that there was an advertisement and was about to delete it, but something caught his eye before he did. The advertisement stated,

"Are you tired of having responsibility? Tired of being an adult? Well, now you don't have to be! Scientist have discovered a new age regression serum. It can take the pressure of being an adult. And it even comes in a flavorless packet that can be added to and drink or recipe! Call 180- 538-287 today to discover this fast acting stress reliever."

Cartman's lips formed an evil grin as he started to piece together hos mater plan. This would surely teach Kyle not to mess with Cartman.

After Cartman had made the payments for the age regression serum, about one hour later, he heard a knock on the door. He went to answer it and saw only a package.He quickly took the package out of the ranch and ripped it open. Inside was 20 packets of the age regression serum. Cartman formed an evil grin on his face as he picked up the phone to call the boys.

Kenny, Stan, and Kyle all answered. "What do you want fat ass?" Said Kyle.

"Cartman only smiled and replied "I was just wondering if you guys wanted to join me for dinner. My mom's making tacos."

Everyone thought about Cartman and his nice offer for a moment.
Stan was the first to reply, "Sure. I've got nothing else to do."
Kenny, with a muffled speech, agreed. Kyle was the last to agree, but after a bit of thinking, he gave an agreement grunt and hung up. The others followed.

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