Jake's video

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I step into the room, and I am bombarded with smiles and hugs. First Sam, then Corey, Devyn, Jake, Katrina, Aaron, and Elton.

"So hello to all of you," I say, " I'm Lexi."

"Well hello Lexi," says Katrina as she shakes my hand, "So now we can finally get started!" Everyone flocks into the room with the T.V. that is just off to the side of the kitchen. As Jake sets up his camera, everyone chooses their seats. Sam and Colby sit right next to each other, and Katrina sits on the other side of Sam so I sit on the other side of Colby. Once Jake is finished setting up his camera he does his intro, pointing to us as he says our names he introduces us. The rest of the group obviously need no introduction, so he speeds through their names. Once he get to my name he slows down and tells the camera that I am Colbys friend. (He throws in a wink or two when Colby isn't watching.)

We get into the video, Corey losing in rock paper scissors he is our first victim. Jake asks Corey, "Truth, or dare?" Corey thinks for a moment, and chooses truth. The rest of the group groans and says that he is being a baby. "Well, I don't want to do anything embarrassing in front of Devyn!" Corey shouts in protest. After a few minutes of unsuccessful tempting Corey to choose dare, Jake says to Corey, "Fine, what would you do right now if I told you that I'm not a gunther?" Corey tilts his head slightly and opens his eyes wide. "Bro..." says Corey. "I'm not a gunthy-" Jake is cut off by being grabbed around the middle and lifted onto Corey's shoulder.

"Do you have your phone on you?" Corey asks Jake.

"No...Bro don't you dare!" Corey suddenly takes off out into the hallway and opens the back door. Elton grabs the camera and we all run to see what's going on. We all hear a big splash and look over at the pool. Jake is in the pool, shivering and obviously upset. Corey is watching him, triumphantly with his fists in the air. Corey then starts singing the Gunthy-gunther song. Sam runs inside to go get Jake a towel while Devyn, Katrina, and I are laughing our butts off. Once Jake gets finished drying off, we go inside to continue the video. Only, Jake is now forced to sit on the floor because his pants are wet. We have now for some reason decided that it is my turn because I'm the 'guest' of this video. Aaron gets to pick my truth or dare. Everyone sitting across from me (Aaron, Elton, Devyn, Jake, and Corey) all huddle up, whispering things that I can't hear from my distance.

"Hey that's cheating!" I yell, worried what they will choose now. After a couple more seconds of talking the huddle breaks up, everyone who was in it with wide grins on their faces.

"So, truth or dare." Asks Aaron. By this point I'm worried, but I decide to take the daredevil route.

"Dare," I say, scared of the challenge that lies ahead. Aaron's grin turns to a sly smile.

"I dare you, to sleep in Colbys bed tonight!" My face turns white, than pink, combined with embarrassment and terror.

"Dude, I told you she is just a guest! Are all of my guests now my girlfriends?" Colby explodes.

"I know," Aaron says in a relaxed manor," this is just my dare. I could dare her to sleep on the couch, but that would be uncomfortable. I could dare her to sleep in one of our rooms, but she's your guest..."

Colbys gaping mouth turns into a frown. "Fine. Sorry you have to do this Lexi."

We carry on with the game, no one choosing truth for fear of being called a wimp. It gets to the point where Elton dares Corey to play the Ouija board, and Corey runs out of the house. We chase him with the camera and once we reach him Corey does Jake's outro and turns off the camera. The whole way back Elton keeps pestering Corey, reminding him of what he has to do.

Corey is noticeably upset, so Devyn wraps her arm around his shoulders. Once we get back to the mansion, I grab my keys. "Woah, woah, woah!" Exclaims Elton, "Remember? You have to stay here tonight,"

"I know, I have to go get my stuff though." I say. Elton throws his hands up and walks away saying, "As long as you come back!" I hop into my car and drive to my apartment. I throw my clothes in my traveling bag, and Merium in the back seat. I make sure to pack her thundershirt, because it's supposed to storm tonight and she is absolutely terrified of thunder. As I drive back, I create a plan to prove to Aaron and the others that this dare doesn't phase me at all, so I stop by the store and get some things for breakfast.

I walk into the mansion with my traveling bag and Merium at my side. Immediately Circa comes over to Merium to check her out. They circle each other for a while and then Circa walks off, alright with the intruder. I put my things in Colbys room and when nobody is watching I stuff the breakfast food in the refrigerator.

Content with what I did, I head up to the bathroom to change into my pajamas.

Hi! Sorry for any misspelled words or sentences that don't make sense.
Make sure to comment any ideas you have.
Let me know if you have any questions about me the writer!
Thank y'all soooo much for reading!

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