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###-###-####<hey is this Lexi?

👑Lexi👑<yes, who is this?

###-###-####<this is Colby

👑Lexi👑<ok, hi! Wassup?

😚Colby<nuthin much.u?

👑Lexi👑<just editing the vid

😚Colby<gah, I need to edit. Roommates are being loud though. Can't focus 😕

👑Lexi👑<u can come over if u need to. It's just me and my dog

😚Colby<I may take u up on that offer, thx.


I text him my apartment complex and my room number. As soon as he says that he is on his way, I start cleaning. Once I put away the last dish, I hear a knock on the door.

I open the door and let him in. I show him a spot near the couch where he can plug up his laptop to edit. I tell him where some snacks are if he wants them, and I go to my room to edit.

After a solid two hours, I go out to check on him. I can tell that he had finished editing because his laptop was closed and the T.V. is on. I also notice that he is fast asleep. He is curled up in a little ball, obviously cold. I go and get a spare blanket and throw it across him. Is muscles relax a little bit and he sinks into the couch a bit more. I decide not to wake him, so I turn off the T.V. and go to sleep myself.

The next morning after I wake up I decide to make breakfast for Colby and I. I make scrambled eggs with cheese, toast, and as the bacon is sizzling, Colby wakes up.

"Gooood morning," I say, taking the bacon off the pan and onto a plate.

"I thought something smelled good..." he says in a groggy, tired voice.

"Yep, here you go," I say, bringing a plate of a piece of toast, three pieces of bacon, and two spoonfuls of scrambled eggs. "And I have grape jelly if you want some for your toast."

"Wow," says Colby, eyebrows raised and stomach growling, "thank you so much."

"Meh, no problem. You make him scootch over on the couch, sit next to him, and turn on the T.V..

"So," I begin, "any plans for today?"

"Not really. Today's just gonna be a chill day I think. You?"

"Nope, probably just gonna chill with my dog. Speaking of which, you've never met her have you?"

"No but I am now! Where is she?"

"Probably in my room. I kept her in there last night because I didn't want her to come out and bother you. Let me go get her."

I walk back to my room and I don't even have to look for her. She is laying on my pillow, scratching her ear. She is a blonde labrador/husky mix. Her eyes are brown except for her left one, the bottom half is blue. I call her into the living room where she immediately rushes to Colby to sniff him out.

"What's her name anyways?" Colby asks

"Merium, Merry for short."

After a while of talking and petting Merry, Colby stands up. "I better get going back to the house," he says, unpluging his laptop and putting it under his arm. He heads toward the door and before he closes it he says, "See you around." He shoots me a wink and closes the door.

*The wink...* I keep thinking to myself *What does the wink mean? It has to mean somehing, right? couldn't me?* I ignore the thought. Instead I focus on cleaning the dishes from breakfast.

The next day
I turn over in my bed and pick up my phone. I look at my notifications and see that I've gotten a text from Colby. I go to our messages.

😚Colby<good morning. Whenever you're up, Jake wanted to do a truth or dare vid. Let me know if you're in

👑Lexi👑<good morning, and I would love to come. What time?

😚Colby<great! Starts at 1. See ya there

I look over at my clock and see that it's 9:57. I decide to go ahead and get ready. I put on some acid wash jeans, a t-shirt that says If you don't like tacos I'm nacho type, black and white Converse shoes, and a horse charm neckelace.

For a while I just go outside and play with Merium until I see a familiar car in the driveway in front of my apartment. Colby steps out and I go over to greet him.

"Hey stranger!" I say in a playful voice.

"Hey you!" He says. He gives me a big hug and once he releases me and he opens his mouth to speak, Merium jumps on him and licks it. He stumbles back a little bit, but regains his balance and sets her paws back down on the ground. "Yes, hello Merry." He says to her.

"So, what are you doing here?" I ask him.

"Well, I thought that since you don't know where the house is and you let me crash at your place, I would bring you to my place. And then bring you back afterwards."

"Yeah sure that sounds great! Just let me go put Merry in the house."

I quickly call Merium into my apartment, make sure to lock it, and then run down to Colbys car.

At the house
Colby pulls into the driveway. He quickly hops out of the car. I take a while to get out because I am marveling at how big the house is. Once I do try and open the door I can't find the handle. I look at the door and see that Colby has opened it for me.

"Thank you," I say.

We head into the house and go straight into the garage. Colby goes in first and I can hear someone say "Man I was wondering when you were gonna get here." The voice kind of sounds like Jake. "So, where's your date?" I hear another voice ask. I can see Colbys face turn slightly red. His face turns angry, into a sort of *stop that* tone. He looks over at me and I give him a sort of small smile.

Colby steps out of the way to let me in.

"Guys, this is Lexi."

Hi! Sorry for any misspelled words or sentences that don't make sense.
Make sure to comment any ideas you have.
Let me know if you have any questions about me, the writer!
Thank y'all soooo much for reading!

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