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"How did you feel leaving?" Asked John as we had pizza and more liquor brought to us. All my friends seemed to be very intrigued with my story on how I came up.

Which I'm very grateful for what life has given me. I'm blessed. I'm so happy that have the my mom and dad and Daliza who look out for me and support me. They were the first I thanked when I one my first Grammy award for best new artist.

I remeber how emotional dad and mom were looking at me every proudly including Daliza when she's not on business mode.

As I kept winning for awards. I started to give young girls advise who are struggling to keep trying and to get where they want to get in life.

Life is all about trying. And if you fail try again.


Ten years ago

I sat here at the bus station waited for the bus to arrive. It was just about sunrise. As I sat here. I couldn't go to each because I needed to save enough money to survive. From what I seen in movies the streets are hard.

I still amazes that I had the strength to live. I got new hope here at the bus station when I asked if there was any bus that could take me to new York. And the lady told in the city that there are buses that can drive me to new York.

I felt so happy that I could take a bus to my favorite city instead of the plane which I wasn't even sure they would let me on due to my age. It's a lot less hassle.

I wonder what I could do to survive. I could be a waitress full time and get an apartment. What about school? I didn't think about that. I could take night classes to get my diploma.

I had a lot of things to figure out but right now my only focus was getting the hell out of this town. I felt suffocated.

People around looked at me. They were probably asking themselves what is a girl like me doing here. I had to stay positive but deep inside I was terrified. This was a huge risk I was taking. Anything bad can happen.

Leaving is for the best. I was done being looked at like trash and being treated like trash.

I never knew why mom and dad even my brother and sister treated me badly. I never done nothing to them. Ever since I was little i was like the ugly duckling. I guess it got worse when I didn't shift. Which was not my fault. I couldn't help it.

Makes me think if I did shift... would Roman taken a me as his mate? That's what he used as an excuse.

All my life I dreamed of my mate who would accept me for me. Yet that didn't happen. How am I suppose to find love?

I think through time I'll be able to heal from this rejection and maybe find love if not with a werewolf who is mateless or maybe a human. I think I also have the right to find my own Romeo. Yet I'm scared that I will never be able to love someone.

But if Roman can fall in love with my sister how can I not find Love! Some much conflict going on in my head. So many questions that only time will answer.

I saw the bus coming from a distance. My heart beat went wild as I got up. This is it. I'm flying on my own. Im going to be independent.

My eyes started to tear up as I got to the bus.

I'm a strong girl.

I can do this.

I say to myself as I got on the bus. I took my seat that was assigned to me. I leaned my head on window. As the bus started to move away from the town little by little.

As it moved I also felt like was leaving behind all those people to hate me. I was felt finally free. I loved it.

I was free. I wanted to make a living on my own without some constantly throwing in my face what they gave me. I was free from all the constant beatings and bullying from my family. I was family away from my mate that never wanted me.

Sometimes people say to wish your enemies well. Well I just can't do that. I wish Roman the worst. I wish everyone the worst. I'm so done with being nice. I'm just going to be what you are to me.

If a person is rude I'm going to be ride back.

About four hours later the bus passed the sign that said leaving town. I couldnt feel anymore happier.

I did it.

And I'm not looking back now.

Present Time

"You are one bad bitch." Says Josie smoking as blunt. She was very much drunk at this moment. "You left with out any of them hoes!"

"Preach!" Says Lucy.

"Thank you all." I say looking at Render Duke a rockstar walking towards me.

"Channel Del LaRosa it's a pleasure meeting you." He says kissing my hand.

"Likewise." I says blushing he's so cute but unfortunately I can't like him because he already slept with Lucy and I wouldn't do that to my friend.

"You want to go kick it somewhere else." He says whispering in my ear. Lucy glared at him.

"Why don't you go to kick it with your groupies." I say dismissing him instantly. With that he walked away. He's has so many baby mothers I couldn't.

"Thank you Channel." Says Lucy sighing looking down at the ground.

"Girl we are friends and guys like him come and go." I say handing her a shot. "To finding love in this cold world."

I say.

"Speaking on finding love When are you going to actually date someone." Asked John.

I shrugged. I always want to find someone. But they either cheat or don't want to commit or they are gold diggers.

And I am the type that wants something serious with someone.

I really need to find my Romeo.





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