Talent Night

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I sat down looking at my albums that I did. It brought we so many good memories. Back when I was in the studio writing and doing songs.

Never once did I think I would ever win any awards let alone think my albums would be the world's most top selling.

This all happened due on crazy idea and night. Thanks to dad who pushed me to face my fears and dreams.

Nine years ago

"Come on my friend told me he wants a musical guest for the opening of his restraunt and I told him my daughter is an amazing singer." Says Dad on the dinner table. Leaving me and mom in shock.

Apparently Dad told me he wants me to sing some of my songs on an opening of a restraunt. I was very shy to show my lyrics to my dad and mom let alone show them to strangers.

"Come on you know how to play the panio really quickly and even made melodies to go with the songs. You can do it. I know how much you want to sing and this is a perfect opportunity." He says smiling at me. "You will have me and mom to be there to support you."

I looked at mom. Who looked at both of us. Then she sighed.

"Maybe this would be a perfect opportunity for you to finally have the guts to take on music and get rid of some of that shyness." Says mom drinking her some of her water. In which I groaned.

"Fine dad I'll do it." I say getting all pumped up.

The next day in school I was sitting in lunch with my firends. Who were all talking about having no plans for the weekend which was shocking we always have plans.

"What do you think Channel you want to do to the beach this Saturday?" Asked Max. He was one if my closes friends.

"Well I would love to but I have a singing gig." I say. It felt weird to say. It wasn't really a gig since I wasn't even being paid. But it's going to be the first place where I'm going to be singing in public.

Max, Coroline, Thy and Heaven looked at me in shock. I didn't want to tell them but knowing dad he would want to show off that I'm going to be singing at a grand opening of a restraunt. So i would rather my friends hear it from me.

"We have to go." Says Coroline.

Everyone in the table nodded.

"You really don't have to." I say shying away.

"Nonsense what restraunt." Asked Thy.

"Wolf's Den." I say.

Heaven smiled.

"We will all be there." She says.

Great. I felt a lot of pressure being added. What if everyone thinks I suck at singing.

Come one dad thinks i have an amazing voice. Plus mom and dad will be supporting that is all I need.

All that week i spent it polishing my lyrics and making the melodies to go along with it better.

When it came to around the time to my performance. I was a nervous wreck. When i got to the restraunt it was a full house. People that i did and didn't know were there. My plams were sweaty.

The Alpha and Luna were here. Also my friends were here.


My Dad took me to the side.

"I know you are nervous. I wouldn't be doing this if I didn't believe in you." He says. "Now go and sing you heart out."

I got the front of the stage that the restraunt had. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at me. There was a piano and microphone next to it.

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