Epilogue: Years

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I woke up due to the constant knocking on my door. I groaned when I got up from bed. When I opened the door there he was.

"Alaric what are you doing here." I say yawning.

"I'm taking you for breakfast."

"I told you I needed some time and space."

Just because I admitted to him that I loved him and we made love doesn't mean we are still okay. I'm still angry that he didn't have enough trust in me. And made believe he didn't love me.

In other words, we still have a long way to go.

I talked to my mom about the relationship between us. Now that he marked me as his. Which took my mom and dad by surprise.

"Honey listen take this as a word of advice not every relationship is going to be peaches and cream." She says. "If you knew all the dumb shit your dad has done girl you'd be shocked. Every relationship goes through its ups and downs. That's doesn't mean stop trying just because it hit a real bumpy road."

I love Alaric but I'm so upset that I want to throw all my high heels at him. I want to scream at his for ever believing Natasha it doubting me after everything that we've been through. How could he doubt me after everything I gave up for him.

"Thanks mom." I said smiling at her.

I shook my head as I looked at Alaric.

"Give me time to her ready."
Our relationship progressed slow but slowly but surely I found myself falling all over again for him. I'd be lying if I didn't throw a shoe or two at him or that we didn't argue or fight. But even with all that we always came to eachother.

He listened and delt with me. I did the same aswell. We worked through out issues.

Everything with him was perfect.

Two years later...

"Oh my gosh!" Says Mom with tears in Her eyes. "You are the most beautiful bride I've ever seen."

I still couldn't believe this was my wedding day. I looked in the mirror as I stood in my wedding dress.

"My little girl is getting married." Says Dad crying. "Fuck this is fucking emotional."

I didn' t want to cry but last night was the last night i would. All this planning and wedding, bachelorettes, engagement partys and what not led to this big day.

"Dad, mom please don't cry it's going to make me cry." I say as John and Lucy waved their hands in my face trying to make air happen.

"I'm sorry it's just you are going to be married and be a Luna. Shit it's just still surprising." Says my dad wiping his tears.

"We thought you were going to be single for the rest if your life." Says Mom.

Welp isn't that encouraging.

"Mom." I whined.

"Which we would not have minded." Says Dad.

I groaned.

"Okay it's time Channel." Says Daliza opening the door. My heart was beating fast as dad walked me to the  aisle.

"Oh shit she's about to be a mrs." Says John behind me to Lucy.

All around were people that mattered to me. Alaric and I decided it would be better to have a private wedding.

When I walked down the aisle everyone stood. That's were he was.

Alaric looked handsome as ever. Our eyes connected with eachother.

I could see his love radiating for me. Alaric makes me feel so cherished and loved even when I'm being difficult.  All out milestones that we crossed all. We are there for eachother wether it be good and bad.

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