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Minghao was now lying in bed scrolling through his phone letting out his third sigh in the same minute. Checking the time, the boy found himself rolling onto his stomach and sliding his phone onto the bedside table beside him.

With a groan Minghao sat up, bringing himself upright. Turning to the clock on the wall the black haired boy realised only a minute has passed since the last time he had checked.

Here it comes...
He could feel it...

Another sigh.

Everything changed last Tuesday . The Tuesday Jun had to stay back after class to clean the store room as a punishment.

The day Minghao's best friend met Mina.

It was 3:46 in the afternoon and Minghao was still moping on the bed. Jun had been out since 9 in the morning and he had not received anything since then. Not a single call or text telling him where he was or if they were still on for Sushi Sunday. A tradition they had created since the opening of an actual authentic sushi bar down the road.

Still in the same place he was in two hours ago, Minghao decided he needed to get up and do something else. Besides, the feelings he was experiencing were only there because of how much he missed his friend right? I mean anyone would feel sad if their best friend went off with their girlfriend completely abandoning them. It's not like Minghao was any different. Deep down Minghao was happy that Jun scored, getting himself a girl. Just beneath all the sadness that came with this loneliness, Minghao was happy about Mina.

After running these thoughts through his head Minghao decided to get dressed and call his friend Wonwoo from school. They were quite close considering that they only had one class together. Of course nobody came close to what Jun was, but Wonwoo was alright company. It would help Minghao to relax a bit, taking his mind off Jun.

Wonwoo was already there when Minghao arrived at the café.

"I ordered you an iced Americano because I know it's your favourite." Wonwoo began as Minghao sat down in the cozy booth where Wonwoo was.

"Thanks Woo." Minghao replied taking a sip or the rather tall drink.

Wonwoo frowned as he watched Minghao rest his head on the back of the seat.

"You okay Minghao? You seem really stressed."

With a smile the younger brushed off Wonwoo's worry.

"Oh I'm fine. Don't worry about me, I'm just tired." Minghao spoke quickly and quietly.

"No your not." Wonwoo replied. "Talk to me."

Sighing in defeat, the troubled boy began speaking.

"It's Jun. ever since he got a new girlfriend it's like I was suddenly demoted."

Wonwoo nodded in response, already seeing where Minghao's story was leading.

"It's as if with a single day all our memories and experiences together were deemed insignificant." Minghao sighed once again.

"I don't know. You probably think I'm crazy because I'm selfishly unhappy when I should be supporting my best friend as he got a girl. I don't know I just feel forgotten and it's getting to me." Minghao ended, taking another sip of the coffee.

All Wonwoo could do was nod apologetically at Minghao after he finished his rant.

"Hao... You have every right to feel lonely and upset. Going from 'never-leaving-your-side' to 'only-my-girlfriend' is a huge change in attitude for anyone to handle. There may not be a lot you can do but make the most of the time you do have with him and keep yourself busy when your not together, because if you try to bring anything up it may take a wrong turn and be taken the wrong way. I think for now that's your best option as his relationship has kinda just evolved."

Upon hearing Wonwoo's wise words Minghao begun nodding vigorously feeling the sincerity in his friend's advice.

"You know you can call Mingyu and I anytime if you don't want to be alone and want some friends to talk to and be around." Wonwoo offered placing a hand on Minghao's back.

When hearing Wonwoo's boyfriend's name Minghao couldn't help but smile.

"Thanks Wonwoo. You know what. Let's stop talking about me. I haven't heard you talking about Mingyu in a minute, what's new?"

Resting his chin on his hand, elbow leaning on the table, Minghao raised his eyebrows in question as Wonwoo broke out into smile and small giggles.

The two continued to chat the afternoon away, the bustle of the busy café disappearing into the background, made irrelevant compared to the conversations of the two friends.

There was no questioning it, there had been a change in both Minghao and Jun's life.

No one quite knew what this change would lead to yet.

But in the mean time it was a change Minghao would have to live with.

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