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The flight was in the afternoon, so all the activity of the night before was able to wear off when it came time for departure. Minghao didn't remember a thing with the amount of alcohol he consumed. Jun on the other hand remember every second of the night before. Knowing that Minghao didn't remember, Jun chose not to inform him of what happened at the club and make the boy embarrassed or uncomfortable. He would just have to bear with it alone, and his rapidly growing feelings.


The next stop was Beijing. Minghao and Jun were beyond excited. They both came from Chinese speaking families and they would lead the group in the country.

"Okay we need food." Jun spoke to the group.

"We know all the best food in China do just follow our lead." Minghao continued.

The starving group of boys arrived at the secluded Chinese restaurant away from the crowd.

"You guys sure this is the right place?" Soonyoung asked, the atmosphere seeming somewhat dodgy.

"Yup" was all the younger said before opening the door.

Inside was a busy restaurant filled with locals and the delicious smell of authentic Chinese food.

"Yeah, we're in the right place." Jun spoke, watching his members with their mouths open in awe.

The thirteen boys sat down at the biggest table is the restaurant as new and different aromas, left the kitchen, traveling to the boy's and their noses.

"Ahhhhhh I even more hungry then beforeeeee." Seokmin wined with a pout.

No long after a waitress came to the table and Jun ordered for the group in Chinese. Minghao had heard the older speak before, but something was just cooler about the way he spoke this time. The way Jun's head was angled upwards, his adam's apple bobbing up and down with each word, and with the smile he gave the waitress at the end, Minghao was long past sanity.

"It's no ones gonna say it, I will. How the fuck did you manage to make speaking Chinese hot?" Seungkwan spoke, evoking laughter and agreement within the group, and a sulking Hansol in corner.

When the food arrived the boys all yelled in delight. It wasn't gonna be pretty with 13 hungry boys around the table.

The large amount of food was consumed almost immediately, the bowels quickly becoming empty.

"Junhao." Wonwo began. "What would we do without you?"

Jun and Minghao only shrugged, the pair locking eyes as both boys broke out into smiles.

"I'm so fullll." Soonyoung whined to Jihoon, leaning on the smaller man for support as the group left for the hotel.

"Okay so we're heading to the hotel now, I too tired to go out tonight, so anyone who's going, count me out." Seungkwan stated as the group continued to walk towards the hotel.

"Yeah me too. Kwan and I are tired." Hansol added.

"Uhun." Wonwoo was now the one speaking, "Well is anyone else heading out? Mingyu and I was not be able to stay cramped in a room for all of tonight."

"Well I wouldn't know what to do in the room," Seokmin spoke. "Yeah, me too." Joshua added.

"I'm good for just straying in the room." Jihoon then stated.

"Okay Chanine, how about it then. You wanna go out?" Soonyoung turned to the younger. "Alright Hyung." The boy said.

"Do you mind?" Soonyoung asked his boyfriend, working the power of his eye smile on the other boy.

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