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Ravens P.O.V

I woke up around 12:38. To see Harry watching me from a chair, he was just sitting there watching me. It was creepy, I looked at him and sat up in the bed. He smiled at me,

"Finally you wake up. I've been watching you for an hour. I woke up since 10 and you are now getting up. You missed breakfast and mum was sad about that, she said for me to tell you that she is happy that you staying here. Anyway get dressed were going to Leo's house, oh and you have to watch the twins. Jamie went to work and Leo and I have to do some things. Oh and we're going to a party later, Ok?" Harry said, man he can talk.

"Yeah whatever. Look I need something to eat, can you please get me some StarBucks. Boyfriend." I said with a wink. He smiled and laughed

"Yeah yeah. I'll get your favorite."

"Wait you don't know my favorite."

"I have my ways. And plus I'm Harry Styles I know things." He said with a wink and walked out the room.

I did my hair and brushed my teeth, then took a shower. I put on my fav outfit on, it was a black and white jumper, with some red high heels, with a gold belt. I went back to the bathroom to put on my lipstick ( which is red) and some blush. I'm not such a makeup girl so yeah. I dyed my hair back red and had it out. ( Ravens Outfit On Side ~~~~>)

Harry finally came home and he had 2 coffees in his hands, I think one is for him. Harry handed me my coffee, I can't believe it. He got my favorite coffee,

"OMG Harry. How did you know that Carmel Ice coffee was my favorite?" I asked him

"I told you. I'm Harry Styles, I know things." He said with a wink

"Shut up. No really how did you know?"

"I asked Rose, and she also told me that you like to go on a lot of dates. But mostly in movies, and then dinner."

"Oh....ok why did you ask?"

"Um no reason. Anyway let's go to the party."

"I'm always going to some dumb party."

"Please, I mean you are dressed for it. Come on babe." Harry said babe, like as if I'm his real girlfriend.

"Oh sorry. I'm used to saying babe. Anyway let's go."

We got in the car, Harry held my hand. Woah his hands were so soft, like pillows. The way he smiled at me was like he adored. I was like his everything, his...Angel. As we were going to the party he said very softly,

"Would you like to be my girlfriend? That's all you got to ask her." Harry mumbled to himself, I'm just going to act as if I didn't hear that.

"So, Harry. You don't do girlfriends? But your mom doesn't know?" I asked

"Yup. Pretty much, why you ask?"

"Cause it's really weird, I think you should start dating. I mean like your a great guy, yeah sure sometime you can be a big jackass but hey your a great guy. Any girl would be lucky to have you as a boyfriend."

"You really think so? But it's so hard, I can't find the right girl anyway. And then no one is like Jessie, well expect someone."

"Really, who?"

"You" he said softly

"Me? I'm like Jessie? Is that why you always care for me and then make sure I'm always treated right?"

"Yeah. I'm sorry, I just miss her so much, she was my everything. My world, my...Angel. I loved her, I told her that every day. But when she went missing it killed me. Everyone thinks she died, heck I'm trying to think she died. But when all she did was get kidnapped. And it's all my fault, if only I did join my stupid father's gang I would of had Jessie here right now. And thing is my mom loved Jessie also, so did Gemma. Look do you just wanna turn back and relax in the room and watch a movie?" When Harry finished talking few tears came down from his eyes. It made me cry, I hugged him and kissed his cheek

"I'm sorry."

"Why are you sorry?"

"It's just that I look like Jessie, and then I am making you see Jessie in your head. I mean if Mason died, I would cried and blame myself too. But a gang? Really?"

"It was not my fault I was 15 and I was going through some über hard times at home. Wait who's Mason?"

I laughed at Harry,

"My brother, he moved out to be with his girlfriend. And she is a horrible person, she is even mean to my mom. I think Mason should break up with her but she makes him happy, and if he is happy so am I."

Harry made a U turn, I texted Rose telling her:

(Text Convo between Raven and Rose)



'I have some news.'

'Is it good or bad?'


'Spill the beans girl.'

'Hey don't waste food. Lol anyway I think I like Harry.'

'OMG. Really? OMG when you guys get married can you name you child after me?'

'Lol dude he don't even like me.'

'Sure he does. The guys and I we're talking earlier that how, Harry looks at you like he did when he was with Jessie. Also the way he smiles at you, let me tell you something. You changed him, Harry was a jackass, manwhore, woman user, all those nasty things, but when you came he changed. He is all nice to everyone, even the boys.'

'Really? Wow I never thought of that. Thanks Rose. Well we're driving to the house, so bye'

'Bye babe 💙'

(Convo Ended)

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