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Harry P.O.V

Rose and Zayn won. So now it's Raven and I, we are so gonna win. After the car ride I saw that Raven is not so bad, but I'm still gonna pick on her,

"Ok Raven, you better put that goody goody shit back, and bring a badass Raven out. Ok?" I said,she scoffed

"Whatever." She said

"Ok let's do this. I believe in you"

"Harry it's just a game."

"No it's not. I bet money on this with Zayn, and I want to win this bet."


I put her on my shoulders and we started walking over to Rose and Zayn. I tapped Zayn and he had a smirk,

"Ready to lose the bet curly?" He said. I laughed

"Really? Curly?"

"Oh shut it. Ok let's do this!"

I saw Raven smile down at me, I winked and then the fight began. Raven started pushing Rose hard, so I used my best weapon, tickles. I tickled Zayn. Raven saw and she tickled Rose and then we both pushed them, they fell and we won.

"Great job Raven." I said

"Thanks, curly" she winked

"You know, to me you don't seem like a goody goody?"

"Really? I mean, like I kinda am. I never drank in my life, I am always studying, I only do things that is good."

"Lies. What about the party Rose toke you too. You kissed me and I heard you was drinking a lot."

"I did not kiss you"

"Yea you did, we almost had sex in till you told me you never had sex before."

"Shit" she mumble "I have a boyfriend"

I walked off and went over by Niall, he was talking to Leigh-Ann. She smiled at me and I waved, Niall waved and I did the same. I was just sitting there waiting for time to fly, I just wanna leave.

( 1 hour later)

We were back at the Collage and Leigh-Ann had to leave, Niall was pissed but he got her number. Niall then found out that Leigh-Ann will be going to Yale too. Well so is switching here, Niall was so happy.

Raven P.O.V

I am now on my way to see Eddie, you know my boyfriend. I parked the car and walked up to the door, Eddie gave me a spare key for his house so it was easy to get in. I love this guy, as I open the door I made my way to the living room. He wasn't in there so I went to his bedroom, as I got closer to the room I heard moaning. The fuck? I opened his door to see him on top of a fucking girl,

"The fuck is going on here?!?!" I yelled. That scared Eddie and he jumped off the bed. The bitch was smirking at me and Eddie was putting on boxers.

"Babe it is not what it looks like."

"Oh really. Because it looks like my boyfriend was fucking some girl who I met in Target. When she was with her boyfriend!!" I yelled

"Boyfriend?" He turned looking at her. She looked embarrassed, she then walked over to get her clothes on.

"Ugh how could you?" I was now crying. Hard.

"I'm sorry, it just that we never had sex. You never gave me what I want, I needed sex."

"I have you everything!! Just not fucking sex!! YOUR AN ASSHOLE!!" I yelled getting pissed, but I was now crying even harder.

I ran out the house and in my car, I drove to my dorm and ran to my room. I opened the door and saw Rose, she saw me crying and jumped off her bed and came to me.

"Who the fuck did it?" She said angry

"E-Eddie....he c-cheated....on-on me."

"Oh sweetie it okay. Come let's watch The Fault In Our Star and The Notebook. Okay?"



"Hey! You wanna go to a party. It will help with a broken heart, and Harry will help you. He knows about it already." Rose said

"How?" I asked. She looked down and mumbled something.

"Say that again please." I asked

"I told him"


"Because, he said he saw you crying and he was worried and asked what happen. So I told him."

"He was worried?"

"Yeah, I think he likes you. But sad thing is he don't date. Anyway let's get ready for the party. A girl needs her jiggle juice." Rose said, I giggled ( Y'all know I needed to put in some Pitch Perfect. LOL)

We I put on my clothes and fixed my now blue and black hair. I put some make up on and walked out with Rose. ( Ravens outfit ~~~~~~>)

We got to the party and I walked off and sat on the couch, yes it a house party.

"Well I don't even like you, why you go and had to make me feel this way" Niall sang.

"Hey Niall. My you can sing, wait who sang this song there really good?" I asked

"Thanks, and it's 5 Seconds Of Summer Voodoo Doll."

"Cool thanks. Do you know where Harry is?" He nod and pointed to the kitchen. I saw him with a beer in his hand and was looking for someone. I walked over to him and tapped him, he turned around and had a small smile.

"Hey" he said


"How you feeling. I heard about the break up thing."

"A little better. I'm still sad and all but I have you to keep me company." I smiled

"Great. So you want a drink?"

"Uh yea sure. Can I get a beer?"

"Sure you can have mine."

"Thanks. Wait you drank from it?"

"Duh. Why you don't want it no more?"

"No it's ok. I'll drink it. Thanks again, I like your company." I am scared out of my mind I never had beer before. What if it taste nasty, then I will make a fool out of myself.

"You never had beer before and your scared." He said snapping me out of my thoughts.

"How did you know?"

"You are just staring at the drink."


"Here just taste it. If you don't like it, I can get you some water. Ok?"

"Ok." I tasted it. Wow it taste really good, I'm in love. I saw Harry smirk, we started talking in till a very drunk Emma came over.

"Well if it isn't little miss goody goody. What are you doing here? This party is for people like us not you." She said you with disgust.

"Come on Raven let's go." Harry pulled me over to the dance floor. Crave You came on. That's my fav song, I started dancing and Harry put his hands on my waist and we started dancing together. It was fun,

"Why can't you hold me like they other boys do" I sang along.

"You like this do, don't you?" Harry asked

"Yup. It's my fav." I giggled

Tonight was so much fun, some how Harry ended up in my bed and slept over.

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