Part 32

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"Do we have to go to this thing dad?" Georgie asked as her dad placed a dress in front of her.

"Georgie you're my oldest girl, I love you very much, but yes you have to come!" Her dad spoke sighing fed up of the arguing.

"It just gonna be a bunch of posh snobs talking about buildings and which Bentley they arrived in" Georgie picked up the dress and headed upstairs.

"Your Mum used to come every year" her dad knew this would work.

"Oh that's cold" Georgie told him as her dad smiled at her and she stomped upstairs to Archie.

"We definatly have to go" she huffed telling Archie.

"Well worth a shot, it might be fun" he fake smiled.

"At least I get a new dress out of this" she hung it up.

"You better get dressed we leave in 1 hour" Georgie told him.

"Wait! I have to come?"

"Yes! Archie Andrews you are my fiancé, you have to be by my side always, even at boring parties like this" she told him walking into the bathroom as he threw himself back on the bed groaning.

"Fine! I don't have a suit!"

"Dad Archie needs a suit!" She shouts down the steps.

"Get one out of my room!" Charles shouted back.

"See sorted!" She smiled

"I'm not wearing your dads suit! That's weird"

"Well I'm sorry Prince Charming but that's your only choice" Georgie dragged him to her dads room.

They looked through his many many suits trying to find the perfect one for Archie.

"They're all designer"

"Archie you know my dad and clothes, just pick one"

"I've always wanted to wear a Hugo boss suit" he picked it out.

"Great now lets go I have 45 minutes to get ready! That's not long Archie!" She ran back to her room as Archie walked back getting dressed in his suit in 5 minutes.

"I'm ready! Are you ready yet?" He shouts to Georgie

"Archie! You've known me many years it takes me more than 5 minutes to get dressed!" She shouts back.

Archie knows better and walks downstairs to sit on the couch with Charles.

"She shouting?" Charles asked

"Allison!" Georgie shouts

"Oh yeah she's shouting, better to get out of the way" Archie laughed.

"Women" Charles sighed.

45 minutes later Georgie was finished and made her way down the stairs in her off the shoulder black dress to see the men staring at their watches.

"Relax I'm here" she spoke, both men stood and turned to her.

"Wow" Archie spoke first

"Baby girl you look amazing" Charles beamed

"Thank you daddy. Let's go"

Once they got to the party it was filled with architects and rich people asking about it.

"Charles" a older man walked over.

"Ah Mr Marshall nice to see you again, this is my daughter Georgie and her fiancé Archie" Charles introduced them.

"Nice to meet you both"

"You too mr Marshall" Georgie smiles

"If you will excuse us we are going to get a drink" Georgie tugged Archie away with her over to the drinks.

"This is going to be a long night" she sighed.


It was a different day at Riverdale high. The south side high school had closed down and the serpents were coming to the north side.

"So you're the welcoming committee?" Georgie asked Veronica.

"Yes I am, with my winning smile" Veronica answered with a killer smile.

The doors flew open and in walked the south side serpents. Lead by Jug, Toni and Sweet pea. Georgie walked over to hug Toni and sweet pea.

"Welcome to Riverdale high!" Veronica beamed.

"You can stand down Ronnie" Jug told her.

Suddenly Cheryl and Reggie followed by others come to the top of the stairs and start walking down.

"Oh here we go" Georgie sighed.

"Cheryl, no one invited fascist Barbie to the party" Veronica told her

"Wrong no one invited southside scum to our school" Cheryl crossed her arms.

Georgie stepped forward in front of Cheryl.

"I'd be careful Cheryl they're my friends you're talking about" Georgie crossed her arms in front of Cheryl.

"I will not allow Riverdale highs above average GPA to suffer because of classrooms that are overcrowded with under achievers"  Cheryl tells them all.

"Why don't you say that to my face!" Toni steps forward until Georgie holds her hand up.

"This will be good" Jug spoke to Toni and Sweet pea as they all smirked.

"I take it that you have a problem here Cheryl or you wouldn't be gracing us with this little serpent hunt! But I will let you all know now that if you have a problem with the serpents being here, then you have a problem with me, so if you do step forward now?" Georgie shouts and waits but no one steps forward. The serpents smirk

"That's what I thought, now everyone go to your everyday lives and if I see anyone look at these guys strange then you'll have them and ME to deal with!" She shouts as they all leave apart from Reggie and Cheryl who are still stood there.

"There a problem Reggie?" Georgie steps closer to him making him nervous.

"I suggest you run along to football practice before coach comes and finds you" Reggie backed away before leaving quickly.

"Cheryl I love you, I do, but don't cross me on this" Georgie kissed her on the cheek before turning around to the others.

"Let's show you around shall we" Georgie smirked at the serpents as they all cheered.

Georgie Snow ( Archie Andrews ) Where stories live. Discover now