Zenia: The Rebirth

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-This story along with others I will add in the upcoming days or weeks are not fully edited. As i would like an editor I do not have one at the moment.

-This story does contain some romance and other genres but they are not the essential concept of the book.

-I will enter this book in the watty awards once it is good enough.

-I will update this book daily with new ideas and chapters so please stay tuned for that. I write on 

COPYRIGHT: All my works, are copyrighted under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. This includes all chapters, prologues/epilogues and associated content (i.e fanfics, teasers and content within blogs, social networks and eReaders). Any unauthorized copying, broadcasting, manipulation, distribution or selling of this work constitutes as an infringement of copyright. ANY INFRINGEMENT OF THIS COPYRIGHT IS PUNISHABLE BY LAW. If you have a query regarding the above, please contact me via the site. :) I OWN ALL MY CHARACTERS SO PLEASE DON'T USE THEM :) Copyright © 2012 Jermaine Easton a.k.a (JayEaston)

-I want to dedicate  this book to all my readers and fans so have a pleasant read hope you enjoy it (:



John cursed as he tripped over a fallen tree branch. He shot a quick glance over his shoulder to see if his persuers were still upon him. He checked to see if the baby was alright. The baby gave a soft giggle as if it were a game. Breathing a sigh of relief John hurried on into the Vermian forest. He was getting close to his destination.

An arrow whisked past John's head. Only inches short of a blow to the head. John cocked his head to the side and scanned the area for nearby pursuers. They were almost upon him he had to hurry to the gate. His breathing became ragged as he carried on. He stole quick glances here and there but still saw noone. After continous sloppy running and quick glances over his shoulders, he saw the gate only a 100 yards away.

Another arrow flew passed his head. John turned to see one of his pursuers lose his jetna state and become visible again. In his hand was a bow and he was reloding fast. John double his speed as him and his pursuers crossed the forest. He glanced back to see another one of them became visible holding thin pin needles in the cracks between his fingers.

The shadow hunter carefully threw the pins at each of John vital points. As the needles connected against his flesh he dropped the baby on the pavement in front of the gate and skidded to the stop right behind it. Lying there on the stone pavement he howled in agony as the needles began to enter deep in his flesh. He tried to transform back into his normal state but found his wa blocked.

"Well, well, look who we have here. The leader of the once mighty dragon race is now left hopeless at my finger tips," the hunter said.

"Jergel you dont know what your doing! How could you betray your race and become a shadow hunter!" John screamed back.

"The dragon race is dying out. The few who remain cower and swear loyalty to Asmerav. I am proudly his greatest assassin."

"Quit the foolishness Jergel! The dragon race will live on through my son! We will return stronger and will oppose any race who defies us!"

"It really is a shame to see you like this dad. Too bad I can't kill you because Asmerav ordered you alive. If only you swore loyalty to him like mom did, then things could've been different we could have worked together like before. Silly old man. Wrap him up boys!"

The 3 other shadow hunters came into vision. They came to where John was lying on the pavement. John gave away feeble attempts to scuttle away, but was eventually captured and wrapped up in the ceremic silver string.

Jergel walked over to where the baby landed. The baby gave out loud, harsh cries that pierced his ears. He turned the baby over and there was a cut over his right eye, that had kept it swollen shut. He leaned over the baby.

"What to do with you baby brother,"he grinned

He reached down to pick up the baby when a force knocked him off his feet. The other hunters looked back to see what happened to their leader. Dust and debris covered the front gate, blinding the hunters.

A angel appeared out of the dust. She stood six feet tall and held golden crimson swords in both hands. Gladiant white wings poised on her back. Her golden halo glowed brightly above her almond hair. It looked to the group and then at John. She gave away a sad expression on her face as he saw the dragon race leader bounded and restrained.

"Today is not the day this child shall die. My master has sent me, Raven, out to retrieve the child and deliver him to Earth until he is old enough to come back. All who oppose me will face the wrath of the angels," Raven said. Two more vibrant beings hovered over them, their powerful wings keeping them steady.

"What does this child have to do with you angels?" Jergel exclaimed regaining his composure.

"That is not for you to know. Will you back down or proceed to oppose us young dragon"

"Exiled dragon and new shadow hunter,but no we got what we came here for we will leave"

Raven wanted to save John, but it was not what she was ordered to do so she watched as they switched into their jetna state, turning invisible, and take off with John. She picked the baby off the ground and began to soothe it with a harmonic melody. The baby began to calm down in her arms. Reciting a ritual she marked the forehead of the baby with a sun symbol. She turned to the portal and walked through the gate.

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