Chapter 8

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...and little did I know where I would end up if my curiosity got the best of me.

I started to walk around the main room, and around the office. Ennard was still talking, but the door behind him was taunting me.

When he wasn't looking I crept out through the door. I knew Lolbit wasn't going to out there, but who wouldn't just walk out of there from pure curiosity?

when I went out of the door, I am was in a dark room. The floor was checker-boarded. I could barley hear anything, just the air out of the vents, and... wait, there's a sweet smell. It was gross so I just kept going and forgot about it.

I had a weird feeling like I was being watched, but that was because I am afraid of the dark. Thats fun.

I remembered that my original intention was to go find Lolbit, but the door was open. My stupid little brain thought it was a good idea to go out here without telling anyone, and without knowing what's out here, I mean if there's a fox, what else could their be? Lions, tigers, bears!?

I need to stop freaking myself out more. If one more thing haunts me, I'm going back. It's going to happen in like one second isn't it?

-Ennard's pov-

I was chilling in the office after Yenndo told us everything. Lolbit wasn't there though.

I noticed that in the middle Bonnet walked off. She and Lolbit were best friends, so I wouldn't doubt that she went to go find her, but I would've heard something by now, like them talking. But there was nothing.

I was going to get up and find them, but I didn't feel like getting up. I mean I was standing for at least half an hour, is that enough?

I turned my head slightly, but it got caught on something. The door was open.


She's been talking about leaving, and when Foxy left she probably left the door open. That leaves Bonnet resorting to going out of the door. How could I be so blind. Lolbit is gone, and now Bonnet went out, how could today get any worse?

"Yenndo!" I yelled.

He ran in, "What?"

I tilted my head towards the door, I could see that he had the same thought as I did.

"I guess we know where Bonnet is now. But what about Lolbit? She wouldn't go out, she has no desire to."

"That's what I'm worried about."

"Well, we can't go out there, can we?"

"I can, I know Baby. Not that she likes me. But I know that place, I've been there before. You'll stay here and look for Lolbit, maybe she's here."

He then went off into the back. I was left with going out. This was going to be the first time I've been put in years, and getting to see Baby.

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