Chapter 5- I Maybe Found Something...

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I opened the door without any knowledge of what was on the other side.

Funtime Foxy's p.o.v.

I opened the door all the way, only to see a flash of grey, orange, white, and pink. This confused me a bit, but it was probably by eyes glitching or something.

In the room there was a desk in the middle with 3 tvs on it and a plush golden bear. Above the desk there was a vent with a button to close it. To the sides there were two doors, one on each side and each with a button to close it.

This room was a security office, or something. My only question is that, why would th were be an office in the middle of the Auditorium? None the less, I went to check the cameras, cause why not?

As I was flipping through the cameras, I heard a sound that made me jump, and the camera flipped to a screen with a small stage with a purple curtain surrounding it.

Ennard's p.o.v.

When the door cracked open, we all ran back to the places we were when Eggs was here.

Through the door came a fox. A female one that looked just like Lolbit, but pink instead of orange. She looked......confused almost, like she had no idea what this place was.

She sat down at the desk and started to flip through the cameras. I could only imagine what Lolbit was thinking right now. It would be almost like looking through a mirror.

While she was looking at the cameras I was crawling back slowly, and my foot slipped. I didn't know what it was but, it made a loud crash when it hit the metal in the vent. This made the vixen jump, but to be honest, it made me jump too.

Lolbit's p.o.v.


Why does she look almost exactly like me?!?

I was just sitting there, astonished at the sight of it...wait I take it back, I was like freaking out, mostly in shock though.

I noticed than Bonnet was still in her room, and did probably not know about her being here.

Bonnet's p.o.v.

I have been in my room for a while now, and was getting kinda bored, so I started to head out to the main office.

While I was walking I heard a noise come from the vent, but it was probably Ennard sitting in there, he loves that vent.

I was turning the corner to the office, and when I was standing in the doorway I saw a fox, but it wasn't Lolbit. She was pink.

As I was standing there she started to turn in my direction.

I just want to say, wow. This book has over 60 views, and I know that might not be very many, but it is for me! :D Thanks!

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