Chapter 3- Eggs is here for 6 hours

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In the next second the door started to open.

(Ennard p.o.v.)

As the door started to open we all knew we were in big trouble. I stood in there for a second in shock. Bonnet went to Yenndo, and he then ran in one of the supply closets. (His room) Lolbit went back into the t.v. And I was still standing there.

I finally got back into reality and jumped in the vent above the screens. Since I could not close the door I watched, in silence.

The door was now open fully and the one and only, Eggs Benedict, came in. Handunit then told him that he entered a highly restricted area, and that he will have to wait out the night until 6 a.m., then properly rescued, sent home, an fired. At the end of his little speech, he said 'Thank you for working here' or something, he really ruins the mood.

(Eggs Benedict p.o.v.)

After I entered this so called privet room, I flipped open the camera to see nothing, I mean except for the creepiest dark, and maybe haunted, room ever, and at midnight, great.

I flipped down the camera and started pressing buttons on the keypad above the desk. I randomly started typing in years. When I typed in '1983' pictures of a bedroom came on the screen.
"Well thats something new." I say as I turn to the doors.

I hear something, maybe breathing or, uh..... I don't know. I was starting to get a little scared. I mean, its creepy come on. I push that feeling away, and start flipping through the cameras again.

(Bonnet's p.o.v.)

I think I was hyperventilating, I mean, I was breathing so hard and just sitting on Yenndo's lap. He was now starring at me with a confused look, and I just smiled weirdly at him. He he. I was exited, but scared out of my mind, at the same time. I mean, it is Eggs! I have always wanted for him to find us, so we could escape, but now that its happening, I am so, I don't even know how to explain it! Omg, I just realized that I am super weird, huh, whatever.

~Time skip to 5:55~

Ok. Five more minutes. I can last that long right? Right? I slowly start to breath slower, and calm down. At this point I am cuddling with Yenndo as he is watching the door.

Some sound instantly snaps me out of my thoughts.

The 6 a.m. Bell.

Hi, sorry if this book sucks, but it is my first, and I suck at writing, but I am trying, so whatever.

Also I will try to update every weekend or so. I will try to stick to that commitment.

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