Chapter 4

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"Iman get your butt downstairs now!" Ya Nadia shouted from downstairs 

I rolled my eyes "I said I'm coming!"

I roughly grabbed my bag and my veil before stomping downstairs

"Finally, you are done" Ya Nadia said

"Don't act like you did not give me a two minutes notice!" I said

"And I'm not driving" I added

"Seriously?! After we've finished waiting for you, you have the audacity to say you're not driving?, Toh kinji, you must drive because Ya Ibrahim isn't around"

"For the last time you only gave me a two minute notice! And why is this man ALWAYS out"

"I know right! Sai kache wande yakeh cult" she muttered (like someone who is in a cult)

Unfortunately for her Mama heard her and she gave her the hand

I let out a loud laugh

"Matar abokin shi neh ta haihu" (his friend's wife gave birth" mama said

"Kuzo mutafi, iman Keh zakiyi tuqi" (Cmon let's go, Iman you're the one driving)

I was going to say something about why can't
Ya Nadia drive but then mama gave me a look and I decided to shut up

I sighed "Toh"

"Good girl" Ya Nadia said with with s smirk on her face as she patted my head

I glared at her before pushing myself away from her and I took the key to go start the engine, Ya Nadia and mama came out after a few minutes and then we left for the hospital

When we reached we went to the same room we always go to

We entered the room to see the twins, Aunty Khadijah and a guy that I don't know

I guess he must be the Amir that Ya Nadia talked about because he looked like his mom a bit lighter than her but he was so very easy on the eyes

My annoying older sister is right after all, he is handsome

He had this very dark curly hair and chocolate brown eyes an-..

I was cut of from my day dreaming by Ya Nadia who hit me with her elbow, I guess I had been staring too much

I turned to look at her to see her looking at me with her eye brow raised but I could see a smile that she was trying to hide

'I told you' she mouthed to me, referring to our conversation yesterday when she said I'll change my mind when I see him

I hate her for that

I looked down trying to hold the smile that was trying to cover my face

I tried to hold it in before I exchanged greetings with Aunty Khadijah and the twins

Mama and Ya Nadia acknowledged the guy- I mean Amir, I didn't know what to do so I just smiled at him, he smiled back at me with a wave, showing me the dent on both of his cheeks

He has dimples!

Oh God..

Ok maybe Ya Nadia was right, maybe he is my type

Just Maybe

"Amir this Aunty Asmau's last born, Iman" Aunty Khadija said

Now everyone will turn to look at me!

As I expected everybody turned to look at me

"Sannu, Ya kike?" he said (Hello, How are you?)

"Lafiya" I answered

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