Chapter 9

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I sighed before coming out of the car "well that was a long ride?"

"Are you trying to imply that i was a boring company?" Amir said, closing the door behind him as he walked after me.

I shrugged "if the shoe fits, wear it".

"You know you're mean to me".

"Mean to you? No I'm not".

He gave me an unimpressed look

"Ok maybe a little." I agreed

He rolled his eyes

"You're so sassy" I said.

"Says You!"

"Excus-..."  I was cut short by the front door opening

Aunty Khadijah stood there with a wide grin

I still don't know why I'm here by the way

"Salam iman!, come in!" She said moving away from the door

"Wa alaikumusalam, Ina wuni" I said giving her a hug.

"Lafiya qalau Alhamdulillah, how was school?" She asked.

"Alhamdulillah" I smiled.

"That's good, let's go, your mom is inside" she said

"No Salam for me? no hello? No acknowledging my existence?" Amir complained.

"I saw you an hour ago Amir" she said

"But still"

"Salam Amir, how are you?" She said

I chuckled

Literally a CHILD

"I'm good mama, how are you?" He asked with a smile

She shook her head in amusement

"Bye Amir" she said before holding my hand and dragging me away

I laughed before turning to him knowing Aunty Khadija can't see and sticking my tongue out at him

'What are you? 5?' he mouthed

I gave him a bewildered look 'says YOU' I mouthed back

I rolled my eyes before turning and entering the living room with Aunty Khadija

I walked in and my mom was on the carpet drinking a cup of tea, we exchanged greetings.

"You're done with work early today?" I asked

She nodded "Mr Dalhatu got the contract he has been after for a long time from the government, he was so happy he gave our entire department a day off, I don't know about the rest" she said as she took another sip

Mr Dalhatu is her boss. I've met him a few times, she's been working for him for as long as I could remember, even before his company grew to become what it is now, he respects my mom a lot so I like him.

He is a good man but oh boy does he love money

I and Ya Nadia call him Mr Crabs. Mama doesn't know that.

I laughed "Mr Dalhatu Kenan, Toh I'm happy for him"

"I'm sure after him I'm the happiest, I don't have to stay extra hours to check drafts" she said shaking her head with a chuckle

I gave her a sad look, we have been trying to convince her to drop this job, ya Ibrahim and ya Nadia are working well to support us and it's more than enough, but she wouldn't budge. She says she doesn't want her children to just be ok, she wants them to be comfortable.

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