10 Dinner Dates

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The four of them were walking through the lobby when they heard a deep southern draw yell out Rose's name she quickly let go of Leati's hand and took off running jumping into the arms of Aj Styles

"Hi" she squealed "I miss you" she said hugging him tighter

"I miss you too bud" he said putting her on the ground

"What are you doing here?" she asked him

"Well I came home for my days off but I had meeting with Mark today" he said to her

Aj looked pass her and seen Leati staring at them with a hard stare "uh bud" he said

"Yeah" she said

"What's that about?" he asked pointing at Leati

Rose turned around and looked before looking back at Aj with a huge grin "Oh that" she said "That's just my boyfriend" she told him

"Seriously?" he said "Why am I just hearing about it?" he asked with his eyebrows raised

"Well it just happened like a few hours ago" she told him before grabbing his hand and pulling him towards the group

"Hey Styles" Renee said giving him a hug

Aj wrapped an arm around Rose's shoulders while looking at Leati "So you're the one to finally get this one to commit?" he said with a laugh

"I guess I am" Leati said smiling

"Well your one lucky SOB" he said while pulling Rose closer to him.

Rose seen a flash of jealousy in Leati's eyes and she had to admit that it turned her on she sucked her lips in to keep a chuckle from coming out as he continued to eye Aj

"Fair warning though if I see one tear fall from these beautiful hazel eyes I will end you" Aj said to him

"I will try my hardest to make sure you never do" Leati said

"Are you done yet?" Rose asked pushing AJ's arm off her shoulder and wrapping her arms around Leati's waist

"Yeah" he said "I need to head out but we should grab dinner before I head home" he told Rose

"Yeah just text me" She said as he waved bye to the group

"I never knew you and styles were so close" Leati said to her

"Oh that's my compadre ever since our days on the Indy scene" she told him "Wait are you jealous?" she asked pulling away

"What? Psh no" he said

"Oh too bad" she said standing on her tippy toes "It's kind of hot" she whispered before kissing his ear and taking off to the elevator.

Sasha was sitting in her hotel room upset over her and Colby's fight "I just don't get it Bay" she said shaking her head "If he has feelings for her then why did we get married" she said crying

"Colby never said he has feelings for her, he was just pissed off" she told her

"If you would have seen the look on his face you wouldn't be saying that" Sasha said "They have been best friends for years so why now is he getting these feelings for her" she said

"I think your over reacting" Bayley said "Look you have to talk to him before you jump to conclusion" she said "I don't think he has feelings for her I just think he is used to having her around all the time and now that she won't be he is afraid of losing his friend" Bayley said "Just talk to him Sash" she added

The door opened and Colby walked in he felt his heart break seeing Sasha so upset he shut the door and shook his head as Bayley got up

"Talk to her" she said before walking out

"Baby" Colby said getting on his knees in front of her "I'm so sorry" he said rubbing her arms

"For what exactly?" she asked wiping her face

"All of it especially the way I been acting lately it hasn't been fair to you at all this is supposed to be the happiest time of our lives and I have done nothing but focus on everything but you" he said

"Ok" she said "But you didn't answer my question earlier" she said looking at him "Do you have feelings for Rose?" she asked

"No" he said "It's just she is my best friend and I get protective and don't want to lose her that I let my mind get clouded" he told her

"When you didn't say anything it made me think you had feelings for her" she told him

"I don't" he said "I promise" he added

"Ok" she said

"Do you forgive me?" he asked

"Yeah" she said grabbing his face and kissing him "I love you Colby I never want to lose you" she said

"I love you too and you won't" he told her before sitting on the couch next to her

They were watching tv when he felt his phone vibrate he pulled it out and read the text

Their meeting tonight


Rose was heading to meet Aj for dinner when she passed by a small coffee shop and through the window she saw Jon and Trinity having coffee so she went inside and walked to their table.

"Well if isn't my favorite couple" She said

"Rose" Trinity said jumping up and hugging her

"Hey Uce" Jon said giving her a hug "How you been girl?" he asked

"Good no scratch that great" she said smiling

"Seems like it" Trinity said "Who's the guy?" she asked taking a drink of her coffee

"You two don't know yet?" Rose asked with a shocked looked

"Know what?" Jon asked

"I for sure thought it be everywhere by now" Rose said more to herself

"What?" Trinity asked

"Me and Anoa'I" she said smiling at them

Jon had a huge smile come across his face before rubbing his hands together "Seriously?" he asked "You and Joe?" he asked again

"Yup" Rose said with a little dance

"Thank God" Trinity said "Finally" she added

"It's about damn time you two gave into each other" Jon said "I swear if I had to listen to him pine for you another hour I was going to have to super kick his ass" he added

Rose just gave them both a look before pushing her tongue into her cheek "Your lucky I love you two" she said with a laugh "But yes I agree about damn time though it was my fault it took so long" she added

"We can double date now" Trinity said giddy

"Yes we can" Rose said

As they continued to talk Rose saw Leati's reflection in the window she turned to call him over but stopped when she seen him sit at the table with Tracy his ex-wife.

"Ro you ok?" Jon asked

"Yea" she said confused she looked back again to make sure she wasn't seeing things but much to her disapproval her eyes saw what they saw she shook her head and try to rack her brain for why they would be meeting and why he didn't tell her.

"I'm going to meet AJ so I will see you two later" Rose said giving them a hug and taking off out of the shop she looked back at Leati one last time and went to the restaurant

After ordering her food and a drink she heard her phone go off and she felt her heart break as she read the message trying to figure out why her boyfriend just lied to her.

Babe, I'm heading to bed I will see you in the morning, Good night beautiful- Leati

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