48. Payback is a B!

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"Payback is a bad bitch and baby I'm the baddest" Demi Lovato

Rose took a deep breath as she sat in the corner booth of the restaurant she hid behind the menu when she seen Mickie walk in and sit down at a table followed by Tracy.

They're here-Rose

A few minutes later Lynn came walking in and sat at the table she hit the record button on her phone then sat it in her lap.

"Would one of you care to explain what we're doing meeting in a public place like this?" Mickie said scolding the two women.

"Because we need to make sure the plan is still in play" Lynn said "It seems to me your getting caught up the attention Leati is giving you that you might be getting a little soft" she added

"I am not getting soft" Mickie told her

"Well if you're not then we can go ahead and release the pictures of Lynn and Leati that we took" Tracy said to her.

"No we can't" Mickie said quickly "I mean they're not even together anymore so there is really no point of putting those out there" she added "If those pictures get leaked then he will know that I had something to do with it and if I go down I am dragging the both of you down with me" she added.

"No that wasn't the deal Mickie and you know it" Tracy said "You said if we help you that you would make sure the judge gets an anonymous tip to lean his decision my way" she added

"Well I changed my mind and if either of you try to release them I will end the both of you I will deny all wrong doing and make sure all arrows point back to the both of you, Tracy you will lose custody of your daughter and Lynn I don't think your family will ever forgive you for backstabbing your sister all over again" she said

"Rose's hate for the two of you is so strong that I doubt she will believe a damn thing that leaves either of your lips" she said standing up "So now if you two will excuse me my man is waiting for me" she added walking away.

Tracy hit her hand on the table and got up storming out of the restaurant once Lynn seen that they were both gone she hit the stop button and went over to the booth Rose was in she slide in across from her handing her the phone.

"Thank you" Rose said smiling at her "Not only does this help the Mickie thing it should help in court as well" she added

"Of course" Lynn said smiling at her "Now I know I am not innocent but both of those women are bat shit crazy" she told her with a chuckle.


Dean, Renee, Sasha, and Colby sat at the bar with a direct view of Leati they had their cameras ready when they seen Mickie walk in and sit down across from him.

"Hi babe sorry I'm late I just had to handle some things" Mickie said rubbing his hand

"It's all good" he told her with a tight smile.

"I asked you to come here tonight because I need to tell you something that has been weighing heavy on my heart and mind since the first day I met you" Mickie said she took a deep breath then continued "I am in love with you" she said "Whole heartily without a shadow of a doubt in love with you and I really want us to have a real shot here so that's why I am laying it all out on the line" she said

"I know my track record isn't the best and I did some pretty shitty things but I just want to right my wrongs and say how grateful I am that you forgave me for the small stupid stuff I did" she told him.

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