More than a crush

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Crush. Oh what a word.
A word that probably consumes my whole social life (which is nonexistent)
In all honesty the amount of crushes I've had are all 'phases'
To guys from Tv Shows to guys in real life.

But never was one of those guys a friend.

Until now.

"Earth to Y/N." Someone snaps their fingers in my face.
"What! Yeah! Who died?"
The boy chuckles before me.

"You said you wanted ice cream, what flavour?"
Ahh yes we were standing in a long queue for the best ice cream in the city.
"Do you even need to ask?"
I wiggle my eyebrows and he grins.

We stand in comfortable silence until the curly haired boy breaks.
"Soooo..." really lengthening out the 'o's
I look up at him, all confused.

"What were you thinking about?"

What was I thinking about?

Oh yes how I might have a crush on my friend. No biggie. Fuck. Omg. I have a crush on him. Oh no. 

"Y/N again! What is up with you today? I swear this is the third time you zoned out."

It was true the first time I nearly got run over, but then he pulled me over. That was so sweet of him.


My eyes wide, I look away. The heat was making my mind go all fuzzy and I became increasingly more sweaty.

He notices.
"Y/N." He lays both hands on my arm.
Does he have to touch me right now?

I shrug him off, to his surprise.

"Woah did I do something?" He furrows his eyebrows not breaking eye contact with me.

Now I feel bad.

"No Lucas you didn't. It's me. I need to sit down that's all."

"Oh ok. Let's sit down then." He begins to walk out of the queue.

"No no." I usher "Lucas we've been in this queue for years, stay here and I'll find somewhere ok?"

He looks at me all protective which kind of makes my heart surge with happiness.

Y/N not the time.

I put my hand on his shoulder.
"Lucas I'll be fine."

He nods reluctantly and I walk off. I swear I feel his eyes on me probably thinking I'll faint sometime soon.

I find a bench in front of the coast and put my bag down. The breeze blew my hair so I tied it up. Don't want my hair getting caught up in ice cream. Nasty.

I breathe in content. I was happy. Beside the fact that I've been going in a trance for the past hour.
I hope it wasn't obvious that everything Lucas does makes me want to die. Not literally. But the fact that I could just melt in his beautiful brown eyes and how his voice would make me feel at ease. His curly hair would get all caught up in his face and I'd have to brush it off.
I don't know why I never noticed the little things. Now I do.
I can't live without them. Without him.

I close my eyes listening to the waves crash on the shore and the sun slowly settle on my face. The view was gorgeous. 

I hear footsteps coming from behind me and I turn around to see something more gorgeous holding two ice creams.

Lucas Jade ZumannWhere stories live. Discover now