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Imma try to update every Saturday and or Sunday :D Soo keep a look out!!!


Nick's POV

Ohhh great another day of a hell hole I like to call school!! I didn't want to go for a lot of reasons. For starters I broke up with Ava and she was crazy!!! I did NOT want a stalker all day, but.l...what can I say? Imma hottie! I drag myself outta bed and went down to the kitchen and guess who I see? The one and only Ava. *Ohhh Joy*

"OMG Nicky!!! It's soo great to see you!! I know you weren't serious when you said you wanted to break up with me so I'll forgive to baby" She purrs trying to be seductive. Not working!

"Ava I wasn't kidding...I was serious! Look Ava we're seniors now! It's time to grow the hell up and leave me alone!" Wow that came out a bit harsh did she care? Noope

She looks at me for awhile then starts laughing "Aww Nicky poo! You're such a good actor! Why didn't you sign for Drama Club? Ohh forget that! Anyway come on we're gonna be late!" Ughh this girl is annoying!

I began to get irratated! "Ughh Ava Im not acting!! Leave me ALONE!!" And with that a left...out of my own house!!! Unbeliveable...

^At School^

I saw my best friend Evan and I ran over there. "Yo Evan you're not gonna believe this! Ava came to my house and thought I was kidding when I said I was breaking up with her!!!" He looks at me with a *Are you serious* look. "haha typical Ava..anyway..you're not gonna believe this!! That Sammi girl saw what you posted one FaceBook about the bet and look at what she said back.." I looked down and read his phone..ohh crap! She posted: I love how could make a girl feel bad! I mean I didn't expect you to feel sorry for me..but I feel sorry for you! See, I'm a girl who revenge not sympathy! See ya wouldn't wanna be ya!

"I have nothing to worry about! She's just a girl" I say, but inside I'm kinda scared...

"Oh no Nick..I did some re-seach on her...she got kicked out of 7 schools because of pranks and threats..you're dead!" Evan says super seriously. Gee thanks for the words of encouragement! All I know is now I have two crazy girls out to get me..and I needed to be careful!


Ohhhh Sammi gone cray cray? And what do we think of Ava? You'll see more of her and not in good ways ;) Stay Tuned my besties!

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