Hello Welcome To Trinity Hall

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Ugh great new school. My grandmother should really give up on this whole "Be a good girl" thing. I didn't care anymore though! I guess I was average pretty. Short black hair, thin, but not like I haven't eaten in forever, and brown eyes that looked like hot chocolate.

My new school Trinity Hall, is just what I needed; a bunch of rich chicks! It's not an "All Girls School", but come on have you ever been to a rich school and there is no mean bitch?

"Samantha? Samantha Karcher?"

I look up at my teacher, Mrs.Andrews and raise my hand so she knows I'm there. I also slipped in that I prefer to be called Sammi. A lot of kids look at me and roll there eyes. So I do what any civilized person would do. I gave them they finger. Some really hot guy looked at me with wide eyes.

"Mrs.Andrews our new kid just flipped me off!" He had messy blonde hair and deep blue eyes. They were kind of nice.

Now it's my turn to roll my eyes. Like she was REALLY gonna believe that! So I speak up and do my signature innocent face.

"I am sorry if you think that Sir, but I didn't flip you off. I am just a new student looking for a fresh start. I mean my mother died when I was very young."

Cue fake tears

"I just want to be a normal kid and make friends ya know? Now if you are going to lie at least do a good job!"

I wipe my "tears" and go back to writing my notes. The teacher gives me understanding eyes and tells me that Nick was just one of those kids who is always looking for trouble. So that was mystery guy? Oh Nick I am gonna have some fun with you!

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