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Helen Parr's POV

'Evelyn Deavor... how are you today?' I tauntingly sneered through her prison bars. Standing at her level.

'Fucking supers' Evelyn whispered her hands gripping the bars while she looks down at my feet with a mix of anger and sorrow in her eyes.

'Well Evelyn, I'm your physiatrist for today. Excited?' I said with a smile on my face, kneeling down so I can stare straight into her eyes.

'Very.' She spoke sarcastically.

'Well then, let's go' I said while unlocking her cell and taking her down to a psychiatric room.

Evelyn Deavor's POV

Ever since I got here I had a love potion on me that I have hidden for the perfect time to use it. Now is that time.


I snap my eyes up and there stood Helen clapping in my face looking slightly worried, however that quickly faded as she smirked and stood, holding my chin.

'Hey you back now Evelyn?' Helen said tauntingly. I knew this is when I should make my move.

'You want water?' I asked bored and plainly. Looking into her eyes with no expression. Almost as though I was dead.

'How kind of you! Yes please' she mocked happily.

I stood slowly and walked slouched over to the sink. I grabbed a plastic cup of the side and filled it half with water. I made sure she wasn't looking and poured all of the love potion is. It is going to be a very strong love potion so she will follow my every command. Perfect.

I drowsily walked back over and sat in my chair. I handed her the cup of "water" and watch evilly as she drank it.

Helen Parr's POV

As I was drinking the water I started feeling strange. I looked at Evelyn, was she this hot and kissable before.

'Hey baby, come sit on my lap' Evelyn said softly, smiling at my kindly. I felt this strong urge to follow her command but I knew this wasn't right and I had to resist.

'No. No no no Evelyn NO!' I yelled while holding and shaking my head. Thoughts of Evelyn where consuming my brain rapidly and when I tried to push them away it was just more painful.

There were bangs on the door and running around the room to try and get me out.

I fell on the floor and started whimpering. Evelyn came towards me and I tried to use my powers against her but I couldn't. Whenever I tried there was a very painful sharp poke in my brain.

Evelyn sat next to me and pulled me into her lap and held me quite loosely so I tried to escape but I couldn't move at all. I started to feel tired.

'It's okay just sleep' and with those sweet words from my Evelyn I fell into a happy slumber filled with her.

Evelyn Deavor x Helen Parr - Incredibles 2Where stories live. Discover now