Dont mess with Evelyn.

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Helen Parr's POV

The door finally broke down with made me jump and my Evelyn look scared. Who would dare hurt my Evelyn! I will kill them all!

I suddenly feel a kick in my ankle and I spin around with rage boiling in me, I see Evelyn smiling worriedly and instantly relax.

'Just do what I told you.' Evelyn demands and I listen and nod. I then turn back around just in time for the door to break down, about 10 officers all barged in.

'You guts really have no faith in me do ya?' I asked head tilted with a smirk on my face.

'Sorry Mrs. Parr we heard you yell'

'Well I'm not yelling now am I? Goodbye.' I say agitated just wanting to get me and Evelyn out of here as soon as possible.

'Why did you yell then?' They asked.

I had to come up with an excuse quick.

'When she first cane in she tried harming herself so I had to stop her. That's why I yelled Evelyn no. You happy now? Bye' I lied while shoving them out of the room. Once they had left I went back over to Evelyn and untied her from the chair and got her handcuffs. I put them back on her and without speaking took her down to another
psychiatric ward.

I felt bad for dragging her so forcefully through those dark and dingey prison corridors but I had to keep character. I also heard people laugh at her. I really wanted to choke them.

I felt a teardrop on my hand so I instantly stopped and turned to see Evelyn crying and sniffling quietly, looking down at her feet.

This instantly filled me with so much rage. I picked one of the guys that was laughing and used my power to pick up one of the by the neck and dangle them over the others. They all instantly shut up.

'If one of you EVER laughs at my Evelyn again I will murder all of you. Understand?' I sneered through the bars with a evil smirk on my face. All of the prisoners in the block look terrified. Perfect. I dropped that guy to the ground and took Evelyn's hands and took her swiftly to the next psychiatric ward in the prison.

Once we got there I opened the door and took me and Evelyn both in it. I then locked it so no one could get in. Evelyn was still frozen in her spot crying when I turned back around.

I took her handcuffed hands and pinned them above her head but Evelyn still looked at the ground


This will continue in part four but be warned because there will be some smut ;)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2018 ⏰

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