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Evelyn Deavor's POV

'Evelyn Deavor surrender Mrs. Parr and no one gets hurt!'

I knew Helen had to wake up soon to stop them and say everything is okay or else I'm fucked and I will probably be here for a while. I moved her off me and layed her on the floor carefully and waited for a her to awake.

'Evelyn Deavor open this door or we will!'

Helen started to stir around, so I quickly jumped on her and straddled her waist since I didn't know what was going to happen since the potion was so concentrated. Her eyes started to flutter open slowly.

'Evelyn we are coming in!'

There was a massive thump on the door which snapped Helen right awake. She jolted up and started into my eyes.

'Helen?...' I asked worriedly.

She snapped out of her trance.

'Evelyn! Hey are you okay? Why are we here?' She asked while holding my cheeks and observing if I had any marks or bruises, her brows furrowed in concentration.

There was another giant thump which shook the whole room and knocked over a few shelves around us. Once we had both recovered I continued.

'Yes I'm okay now listen. You need to tell the people that come into the door that everything is okay and act like you hate me okay?' I told her slowly staring pleadingly into her warm chocolate eyes.

'How could I ever act that I hate you? Why?' Helen questioned teary eyed and holding onto my hands softly.

Then there was another thump with really damaged the door, I knew I had to hurry this up so I swiftly finished.

'Look if you don't I will die. You don't want me to die do you?' I asked like I was talking to a small child, however Helen didn't notice and just shook her head one clear blue tear falling from the corner of her eye making its way down to her chin before I stopped it with the pad of my thumb.

'Look don't cry, just act like you hate me and strap me to that chair okay?'

Helen just nodded again. I stood up and pulled her up with me when there was a massive thump on the door and it was about to break.

I quickly sat in the chair and told Helen to tie me up which she did quickly and perfectly. Just after she finished the door broke down.


Evelyn Deavor x Helen Parr - Incredibles 2Where stories live. Discover now