Wrong side of the bed

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My eyes lazily opened and a loud yawn escaped my mouth as I stretched my arms over my head. I blinked away the tears that came with my yawn and looked to my side to see Kookie sleeping soundly.  

His sickly pale skin had become glowy and milky white, and the once dark circles around his eyes had disappeared. Just like what hobi said, "It's like magic."

I couldn't resist the urge to touch his cheek and gently move his bangs away from his face. A smile tugged at my lips when I felt the sparks shoot through my fingertips. His skin was as smooth and soft as a baby's behind. 

I'm so glad that I get to wake up like this every morning from now on. I smiled cheekily and pecked his lips with enough force to wake him up. 

And just like that, my alpha's eyes fluttered open and he smiled at before throwing his arm over me to bring me closer. He pressed me against his bare chest humming when the tingles began to buzz around. I giggled happily, enjoying the sensation as I buried my face into his neck savoring his pine and honey scent.

Jungkook leaned back only to place another sweet kiss on my lips. 

 "Good morning beautiful." His husky morning voice cooed.

"Good morning Kookie."

"How long were you awake for?"

"Just a little bit longer than you."

"Good cause I'm don't wanna get up." He stated childishly, pulling me against him like a teddy bear. My back pressed on his chest feeling his built torso.

"Kook, I gotta get up though," I complained while trying to move his muscular arm.

"Whyyyyy?" He pouted in a gravelly voice. 

"Cause I still haven't seen Namjoon and I need to visit my brother and his new mate that he's been waiting for, for like forever," I stated, still trying to get his arm off me.

"But...I missed you~" He whispered against my neck, letting out a soft sigh.

I halted my attempts to break free and let his words sink in. My heart panged at his sincere confession and I began to trace circles on his forearm with my thumb. 

"Kookie, I miss this too," I said gently while intertwining our fingers. "But other people still need me."

His hold loosened but was still reluctant to let me go.

 "C'mon Jungkook...Please." I begged, giving his hand a light squeeze.

"Fine." He said somewhat sadly.

I honestly do want to lay in bed with him for the rest of the day, but I still have other people in my life that are important to me too.

"Thank you, Kookie. I promise It'll only be a quick visit to my brother's." 

I slowly got off the bed, wobbling a little on the way to the bathroom.

"I'm going with you." He exclaimed as I closed the door to the bathroom.

I giggled at his childishness. I can still remember the fights Jungkook and my brother got into, and now he wants to go visit him and his mate with me. Oh, how the times have changed.

The thought stayed in mind as I got dressed for the quick visit. I took a quick look of my outfit in the full body mirror.

I ruffled my hair a bit and felt satisfied with the outfit I put together

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I ruffled my hair a bit and felt satisfied with the outfit I put together. I smiled turning on my heels and walking out of our room.

'I'm going to go see Namjoon, so get ready kookie.' I linked to him as I walked down the halls.

'Got it...But, (Y/n) I gotta tell you something.' His voice sounded shaky and gave me a sour feeling in my stomach.

'What is it Jungkook?' I asked thinking of something I could've forgotten or missed. 'Oh, I almost forgot to visit Jin!' I smiled remembering him and his sweet kind motherly nature that made me feel comfortable when I first came here.

'That's the thing...'

'I don't get it, what do you mean?'

'Jin's gone (y/n).' He finished.

I felt my heart sink from his sharp words that cut me like a knife, but they couldn't be true.

'Y-you're kidding me right? This isn't funny Jungkook.' I halted my movements standing still in the dim hallway only a few steps from Namjin's room. 'He can't be...'

' I'm sorry. I wasn't fast enough...' His voice was soft and defeated. 

I could feel his emotions of pain and sadness infect me and thickly swollen tears slipped from my eyes. I took a sharp breath letting his words settle within me, but then I thought about Namjoon.

'How's Namjoon been with this?'

'I haven't seen him since. H-he doesn't leave his room anymore either.'

' I'm going to see him.'

' kay, I'll be done soon so meet me downstairs when you're done.'

'Okay.' I linked back before cutting off the connection.

I wiped away the tears with my sleeves and took a deep breath. Namjoon needs me and I'm going to be there for him. I focused my gaze walked to the bedroom door giving it 3 soft knocks, but no reply. 

I knocked a couple more times, but the room still remained silent.

"Namjoon, it's me. I came to see how you're doing. Please open up." 

To my dismay, the door and room remained completely silent except for the sound of my breathing. I dropped my head in defeat and turned around to leave, but I stopped at the soft click of a door lock. I spun back around to see Namjoon's drained face peering past the door.

His appearance looked like Jungkook's when I woke up, but a lot worse. The circles around his eyes were a grayish purple and large bags sagged under his eyes. His lips were cracked and some spots bled. It broke my heart to see him so drained and tired. Where had the cheery joyful dimples gone? What can I do to make them come back?

"Hey, (y/n). You're back." He smiled.


Sorry for taking a while to update. I love you guys and all the support you give me.

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