Chapter One

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I walked through the busy streets of New York City. My eyes were locked on an old Hispanic lady as she struggled to hold the groceries. Something was off about her. She appeared to be in color, while everything else around me was black and white. I was born with a unique "disability" which led me to only be able to see the colors black, white, and grey. Everything around me always looked like a bad 70's movie. 

My attention was brought back to the elderly woman as she dropped a bag of sweet bread and laid all her bags-including her purse, onto the floor. I saw my chance and ran towards her. I grabbed her purse and the bag of sweet bread after I shoved her out of my path and darted into the crowd. I looked behind me and saw 3 enormous police officers chasing after me. I zig-zagged through alleys and streets, hoping to lose them. My path was suddenly blocked by a  towering wall. I panicked and heard pounding steps closing in on me. I pulled out one of the sweetbreads and stuffed some of it into my mouth. 

"Put your hands up where I can see them!" yelled one of the officers. 

I slowly turned around and put my hands up into the air. I slowly lowered my hand and another officer yelled at me to keep them up. I took another bite of my sweetbread and dropped the purse and the bag. I stretched out my hands and they put cuffs on me. This was the first time that they actually succeeded to put the cuffs onto my skinny wrists. I was always good at what I did, and never got caught. I had no clue what was happening since this was a new terrifying experience. 

'Darn you, little defenseless olf woman with the tasty sweetbread,' I thought to myself as they pushed my head into the cop car. 

Three hours later

" Ms. Maria, would you like to press charges against this young lady?" asked one of the officers curiously. 

"¿Dónde están tus padres jovencita?" the old woman said to me with a kind smile. 

I looked up, defeated and broken, and told her I did not understand her. 

"I said where are your parents, young lady?" 

"I do not have parents. I ran away from home when I was 11 years old. I am now 17, living on the streets, and surviving by shoplifting plus stealing from people. It may have been 6 years, but those memories will always haunt me."

"You spent all those years alone? Do you even remember how it feels to be loved?" 

"I can't remember something I never experienced. Plus I don't even believe someone like me can be loved," I whispered. 

"Why would you say such a thing?" 

"I say this because of the fact that I'm not the brightest, the purest, the most attractive, the skinniest, or the best person to hang around with. I am such low-life and nothing can change me because that is the way I grew up and oh well too bad for me." 

I did not know why I was telling this random old lady about my personal life. She just gave off kind and understanding vibes. The type a mother would have. Not that I knew much about it. I looked down at my black tank top and skinny jeans. My claw necklace hanged loosely around my neck and I was suddenly interested in the brown laces on my brown combat boots. 

"If these are things you don't believe in, then what exactly do you believe in?"

I shifted uncomfortably, not exactly sure of what to say. I tied the bandana tighter so my long, chocolate brown, wavy hair would not cover my face. I pondered what to say for a moment. 

" I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you can appreciate them when they're right, you believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together." 

"Sacarla de allí. Ella viene a casa conmigo y le daré una vida adecuada," said the woman in spanish. 

The officer nodded his head as she walked out of the room. I was confused as to what was happening. He pulled me out of the cell and into the lobby of the department. There I laid my eyes on the mysterious woman- who I assume is called Ms. Maria. She was talking to the sheriff while signing some papers. They hugged and she started to walk towards us. 

"You now have a guardian who will take care of you. I am Ms. Maria and you will be living with me from now on. I convinced the sheriff to not to share this with anyone else. He agreed as long as you play your part and don't get into any trouble understood?"

"I understand," I said with a confident voice. 

"Okay let's go."

We walked outside and my eyes went wide. In front of me was a Chevy Impala made in 1967 that was pitch black and overall the sexiest thing I had ever seen.

"Get in I'm going to show you how to make tamales and once we are done we are gonna sell them in the pickup truck I have at home. And don't forget to remind me to go to the store to get your clothes and other items that are necessary." 

"Alright lady, I got you."

" 'Yes Ms. Maria, I will remind you later,' is what you should have said. Okay, hija?"

"Yes Ms. Maria"

"Much better. Aye cómo amo los modales," she signed. 

She let the car roar to life and stepped on the gas, leading me to my new life with this charming elderly woman. 



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(ignore my little dean. he loves his baby and couldn't bear to leave it- even if it was for one picture. *where my supernatural fandom at?????*)


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******Hello my pretties, how are you doing this fine morning/evening/night/whatever? I hope you guys liked this chapter and if you did make sure to comment, (I WILL REPLY LIKE THE FLASH DONT WORRY) vote (IT WOULD MAKE ME HAPPYYY) and if you guys want to- follow me (PLEASSSSSSE I WILL LUV YALL) Just kidding I'm not that desperate but yea if you want to follow, comment, vote, and yea. I would be very stoked if you did so thank you. If you have any suggestions comment or chat with me (whatever that's called) and I will try to put it somewhere in the story. Thank you for reading this and thanks for all the support and stuff. BYEEEEEE******

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