819 31 5

Christopher Brown
Back To Business
Monday Morning

"Morning Everybody it's Dj Envy,Angela Yee,Charlemagne the God and we are The Breakfast Club" Dj Envy said

"Special Guest in the building Lightskin is back"

"Yeah yeah!" I said

"How have you been man" Dj Envy asked

"Good, I've been good" I said

"Yeah you look every happy on your Instagram with the soon to be wifey" Angela said

"Yeah man she's amazing" I said

"So tell us a little about y'all " Dj Envy said

"How did you guys meet" Angela asked

"Well we met through Aug" I said

"August Alsina right" Charlemagne asked

"Yeah,When I first met her I knew I had to have her.. I was ready to give up the hoes and settle down"

"Right off the back you knew she was the one" Dj Envy asked

"Yeah" I said

"So we heard that you guys broke up entering college.. why was that" Angela asked

"I was young as hell and stupid.. I ain't really have my priorities straight.. I was worried about living in the moment. I wasn't thinking long term" I said

"Was it hard getting back in her good graces" Charlemagne asked

"Hell yeah it was hard" I said

"While we weren't together I realized that I really needed her in my life and when I got her back I knew I had to put a ring on her finger" I said

"But don't you think it's a little early" Charlemagne asked

"Nah that time away from her made me realize that I want her in my life forever" I said

"Beautiful" Angela said

"How was the tour? You just got back right?" Dj Envy asked

"Yeah we just got back two days ago" I said

"But touring is always amazing I get to see all my fans and supporters and my team is great" I said


"Chris we appreciate you joining us, coming thru" Dj Envy said

"Always" I said

"Ladies and Gentlemen it's Chris Brown" Dj Envy said

"Appreciate it" I said

"The breakfast club Good Morning" Dj Envy said

Once we got off air we talked a little longer before I had to leave to go to a meeting. My team and I were coming up with more ideas for black pyramid.

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