355 10 4

8:45 am
Danielle Pov

As the sun came through the large windows of our room my sleep came to a end. As my eyes fluttered open I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes

Getting my phone from off the nightstand I scrolled thru Instagram for a little bit before trying to get up to go use the bathroom just to be stopped by Chris.

I was wrapped in his arms and I knew he wasn't going to let me get up. I didn't want to wake him up but I really needed to pee.

Moving his arms slowly I slowly got out the bed and walked to the bathroom. After peeing I decided to wash my face and brush my teeth. Realizing I was hungry I wanted to make me some breakfast now.

Waking out the room I headed to the stairs. Making it to the bottom of the stairs I screamed loud as hell shooting back up the stairs.

"Baeeee" I screamed running into the room

"What what" he said jumping up

"They got somebody in the house" I said

He hopped out the bed and walked to the closet grabbing his gun. Slowly making it down the stairs he turned on the light and smacked his lips

"Bae that's my dad" he said

"Wassup li nigga" Irv (Chris dad) said chuckling

"Wassam" Chris said dapping him up

"Hey pretty lady" Irv said taking the toothpick out his mouth

"Hi" I said

"Maurice go put on some clothes we got business to handle" Irv said sitting back on the couch

Walking back up the stairs with Chris I was confused as hell on how he got into the house.

"Baby how did he get in the house tho" I asked

"He be hacking shit all he did was turn the system off then the rest was easy" Chris shrugged

Christopher Pov

After brushing my teeth and washing my face I pulled on a hoodie and slid on some pants walking out the room. Watching downstairs I went on the patio seeing him out there.

"Wassam" I said to Jay

"Wassam" he said

"Now Jay then got me up to date on everything and that nigga gotta go" Irv said

"I been going back and forth with this nigga for 13 years and he just took the shit to a whole other level. I'm tryna dead this shit" Irv said

"So what we gon do" I asked

"I got my niggas down here on they way to ya momma house right now so we gotta go" Irv said


Pulling up at the corner of the house we got out and walked the rest of the way to the house. Jay and all the rest of the niggas went to the back of the house to check if anyone else was here while me and Irv went through the front. Hiding to the side Irv rung the doorbell. The door opened and he peeked out the house. Irv pistol whipped him walking into the house. I walked in behind him dragging smoke in.

Irv dudes picked him up and threw him in a chair and started tying him up. While they did that Irv got another dude to go look for aissata. Me and Jay followed Irv walking upstairs. He opened the door and my momma was laid in the bed. Jay turned on the lights and Irv walked over to her.

"Joyce" Irv said

She pulled the cover off and ran to him crying.

"That nigga did this to you" Irv said

All she did was nod

"Yeah it's wraps for that nigga" I said

"Already thinking of ways how to make his ass suffer" Jay said

"Man I'm sorry momma for letting this happen to you" I said

"Maurice you didn't know" she said

"Come on" Irv said picking her up

We walked out with them following them back downstairs

They had both Smoke and Aissata tied up by now

Irv took momma to his car and then came back in telling his boys to bring him to the "location".


Walking in I followed everybody going down the stairs until we reached Smoke.

"Please I had nothing to do with this" Aissata said

"Pleaseee"She cried out

"Baby girl it's alright" Smoke said

" I did all I had to do" he said smirking

As soon as I saw that grin on his face I started beating the fuck out that nigga.

"Bitch" Smoke spit out

After hearing all that slick shit he was talking I let all that anger inside me out on his ass and I ain't stop until I saw blood.

"Come on mane we all gotta get a turn.. I ain't tryna beat up no dead man" Jay said pulling me off of him

After Jay and Irv finished his crew gave us each a gun and we all aimed at his ass.. His crew raised they gun and pointed towards Aissata.

"Any last words" Irv said

"Fuck you" He said

As those words slipped off his tongue we all pulled the trigger. Watching his body lay there I felt no remorse. He decided all them bullets that went into his ass and for his daughter.. shit I'm sorry she had to get it too

Irv kicked him over on his back and got his phone out his pocket.

"They gon get this shit cleaned up and Imma find the rest of this nigga people so we can end this shit fr.. tell everybody to meet at Chris house" Irv said

"Bet" We said dapping him up


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2020 ⏰

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