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2:40 am

Pulling off my shoes I headed to my closet to put my shoes up. Grabbing my robe I went into the room seeing that Chris was in the shower. I laid my robe on side of the bed and walked into the bathroom.

"Hey baby you alright in there" I yelled to Chris

"Yeah I'm straight.. I still  just feel a little dizzy." He yelled

"Maybe it will wear off in the morning" I yelled back

"Yeah hopefully" he yelled

Going  downstairs to the kitchen the ringing of the doorbell caught my attention and I went to the window to see who was at my door at 2:43 in the morning.

Realizing it was August I was relieved but confused as hell. Opening the door he held up Chris's phone.

"Y'all forgot this in the car" Aug said

"Thank you bro.. I don't know what is wrong with this boy" I said

"Goodnight" He said

"Goodnighttt" I said

Closing the door I brought the phone back upstairs and through it on the bed. I hopped on the bed and decided to wait on my phone for Chris to get out the shower.

20 minutes later

"Baee you ok in there you been in there for a while" I yelled to Chris

After hearing no response I began calling his name repeatedly. Once I got no response from that I got up from the bed heading into the bathroom. Passing the tub I went to the shower seeing Chris laid out on the floor.

"Chris baby" I said trying to wake him up

"Chris please baby" I cried out

I checked for his heartbeat and he had one but it was very weak

"I got to get you to a hospital" I thought out loud

Running into the room I went into the closet getting his robe and put it on him cause they wasn't about to see my man naked.

Being that he was so damn big and I wasn't that strong I had to quickly think of a way to get him to the car. Running into the guest room I grabbed the rolling computer chair bringing it back into my room.

Struggling to pick him up I somehow finally got him into the chair. I rolled him into our room grabbing both him and my phone and then I rolled him out of the room carefully going down the stairs. Making it to my car I pulled him in and closed the door getting in myself.

Starting the car I backed out before connecting my phone to the car and calling Ivoree, Autumn, Jay, and His momma.

Making it to the hospital I hopped out running inside.

"Help can someone help me get my husband out the car" I said

Some nurses came running out with a stretcher bringing it outside. They placed him on it and took him inside.
"Ma'am I'm going to need you to stay in the waiting room and we will inform you shortly on what's going on" the nurse said

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