The final chapter

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Two years have passed since the twins have been born. Just looking back at the past two years of our lives seems to be impossible. They flew by. There have been so many memories that we have cherished with our friends and family. Louis was a pro with the kids when we brought them home, I had a lot to learn believe it or not. Harry helped get another crib in the nursery with Liam and my mom and Louis mom collected as much boys clothes between all the families as possible. But right now we are not only having the twins birthday party but our wedding is coming up. Yes we actually waited and saved as money as we could to have a proper wedding.

Louis wanted to get married right away but I told him no way. I knew we had a lot on our plates and for once I wanted something to not be rushed or by accident. I wanted the kids to be apart of the wedding too. It will be a day that we can all look back at that we did as a family.

Don’t get me wrong it hasn’t been easy. Louis is still teaching, I’m taking online classes to finish my degree and I start student teaching next fall. Thank god we have Alexis and Rick just upstairs to help us out. Liam, Harry and Niall have also been a huge help believe it or not.

Oh, I guess I better tell you what happened with Harry huh?

We’ll after we got home and settled in I didn’t hear from him for a few weeks. One day it was pouring out and there was a knock at my door, luckily the kids were sleeping and they didn’t wake up I would have killed him.


"Harry" I said opening the door

"Hi" he looked at me with a faint smile "can I …"

"Oh yeah, come in sorry. Just be quiet Lucas and Lindsey just fell asleep" I said taking the burp cloth off my shoulder

"You look good Tess" he gave me a hug and a kiss on my cheek.

"Thanks, but I know your lying"

"No I’m not you look really good for having two 1 month olds"

"Oh shut up" I smiled at him "do you want to go and see them?"

"Can I? I’ll be quiet I promise"

"Yeah or you can babysit until they fall back to sleep" I said pushing him slightly

We both walked down the hall and the opened the door slowly. Both mobiles still running, both are sound asleep.

"They are gorgeous" he spoke in a low tone very slowly

"Yeah they are, aren’t they" I didn’t even notice. A Tear escaped my eye and Harry looked at me using the back of his hand wiping the tear away.

"What’s wrong?" He asked

"I don’t know, I haven’t seen you or spoken to you since that day, and you said a lot of things to me, I mean a lot"

"Yeah ..erm. We’ll come with me and we’ll talk" he opened the door and I nodded and followed.


"Just let me get this out okay?"

I stayed silent.

"So I was drunk that day obviously but, here’s the thing I remember everything I said to you. I always think about the what if possibilities. I don’t know if you do, but I always do. Maybe it’s wrong of me to even have those feelings still since it was so long ago"

"It’s okay, it’s really not that long ago, it’s been what 5 months since we found out everything? Harry, I understand, you were my first well everything. I will always love you, it’s just a different kind of love then I have for Louis. When I get up to feed them, I find myself thinking what if things were different and what if Louis wasn’t the father where would I be, where would me and you be"

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