Chapter 2

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Present day

It's been years since that day and I dedicated my life to defending the girl I found out to be names Asia. When she grew up she wanted to leave and explore so I gave her a special gift to her so she can call me if she is in trouble.

 When she grew up she wanted to leave and explore so I gave her a special gift to her so she can call me if she is in trouble

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With that she left the house to get things and meet people.

Until one day she didn't come back and didn't use the flute so I took to the skies to find her. In my search I smelled something that was familiar so I flew towards it but didn't get close enough to be seen.

Issei pov a few days after Asia becomes a devil

The next morning when I wake up I see that Asia is waking up at the same time with Rias also their.

Issei: Morning Asia.

Asia: Good morning Issei morning Rias.

Rias: Morning

With that out of the way they all began to get dressed I saw something out of the corner of my eye in a bag Asia brought with her. I then go over to it and pick it up.

Issei: What is this?

Asia: Oh that is something a friend I lived with he gave it to me in case if I was away and needed help I could play a song on their and another if I just need him to show up.

Issei: Really I'd like to meet him one day.

Asia: Well how about on the weekend?

Rias: That sounds like a great idea.

Asia: Ok we can go to the house I lived in for those years

With that they all got dressed then traveled away from everyone else was to a building that was huge compared to the ones that they usually see.

As they all walk inside they can see large claw marks going through metal. As they continue through the building that looked like it was attacked buy a giant monster but as they went further in they saw that there were rooms that looked fancy and untouched.

Issei pov

Asia: This is where I lived

Issei: This looks nice but what made all that damage out there.

Asia: That was my friend. He was protecting me from some bad guys that wanted to hurt me.

Everyone then went wide eyes thinking about how strong this guy is to do all that damage.

Rias: So where is your friend you were talking about?

Akeno: Yeah I would like to meet him.

Asia: Ok then let's head outside.

With that she grabbed the flute and headed outside with everyone else before she played something on it.

(Watch till 00:7)

We all heard a sudden loud noise that came from above us as a large figure Landed in front of us creating a cloud of smoke.

Once it cleared we all saw it as it walked towards them with yellow eyes. When it got close enough to us Asia walked up to it.

Issei: Asia what are you doing?

Instantly the thing picks her up and turns it's head to look at her with his yellow eyes then turns to green and sets her down before going back to yellow and looking at us.

Asia: These are my friends so you don't have to worry.

It then walked with Asia as it got closer and we saw how it towered over us.

Asia: This is Issei, Akeno, Koneko, and Rias.

Once she said Rias name it's eyes instantly turned rad and started to freak out and flew into the sky. A second later it came back down to attack Rias while still flying but Akeno way trying to bring it down with lightning buy it just turns out of the way and dives down grabbing Rias and flying smashing her into the building making a dent but before it could punch her Kiba slashed at it making it drop her and fly into the sky.

Issei: Hey Asia what's up with your friend?

Asia: I don't know this doesn't happen unless he was attacked or something attacks me.

Issei: Is there any way to calm him down?

Asia: Yeah give me a second

Third person pov

She then runs back inside but meanwhile the Songbird already knocked everyone else out but with a few cuts in his wings but still able to fly at high speeds. As Asia comes back outside she starts to play another tune  on the flute.

As she plays it the Songbird starts to slow down and his eyes turn yellow as it calms down.

After that she walks up to it.

Asia: Why did you attack my friends?

All it does for a response is walk towards the house and opens a giant pair of doors that he can walk in on e inside all they see is an empty room with pictures of Asia growing up but on the wall they can see that he carved something into the wall.

When they get closer they could see that is said


(Don't ask how it's carved on the wall it just is)

After they read it but most of them were confused.

Issei: Who's this (Y/N)?

Kiba: I don't know anybody with that name that would have a reason to attack.

Rias was the only one who knew what it was talking about.

Rias: (Y-Y/N)

With that she started to cry and go to her brother but he just pushed her away.

Rias: Look I'm sorry for what I did all those years ago.

Issei: Hold on that is your brother!?

Akeno: What did you do back then for him to attack you?

(A/N): I'm ending it their for now and I will be going on a little vacation for a a few days so I will begin writing after that.

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