Chapter 3

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(A/N): Sorry for the wait for this chapter but I hope you enjoy.

(Y/N) pov


After Riaz explained my childhood to them they all look at her in shock

Issei: How could you do that to him?!

Riaz: I was young I didn't know any better. Buy the day that he ran away I regretted doing that to him ever since.

Asia: Will you forgive her?

(Y/N) then made a soft screech sound as his eyes went yellow and Asia seemed happy about it.

(I'm making it to where Asia can understand you)

Issei: What did he say?

Asia: He said that he will if he can do one thing first.

Rias: What is it I'll do anything.

In an instant he slaps her sending he flying through the wall.

Everyone was shocked at what just happened but (Y/N) eyes went green after this


After that Rias was forgiven and they were about to leave when a circle appeared with a group of people and a man that I instantly disliked

???: Hello lady Rias.

Rias: Hello Riser.

Riser: What is a beautiful woman like yourself doing in a dump like this?

In that instant I slammed my fist into the ground causing some of them to jump but the rest just looked in confusion then awe at what made the noise as they say me with red eyes towering over them.

Riser: What is this beast doing here? Can someone please deal with this?

Then one of the girls in the group runs towards you but as she jumped to attack my head I uppercut her towards the ceiling which she hit before coming back down but as I was about to kill her.

Asia: Stop please.

With that I stopped inches away from her neck and I just turn towards Asia as my eyes turned green and I held her.


After a minute the group of people left and Rias was given 10 days to train for it but I wanted to help protect Asia from those people so I asked Rias if I could join her peerage which she did and now I could help my now forgiven sister fight the living mascot for KFC

(A/N): Sorry for the long wait and this being short but hey at least Rias got slapped I will be writing shortly on another story in My Hero Academia and the monster shifter reader. Bye

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