sixty three | after show

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authors note: a little bit of a long chapter but make sure you read through it, it's important for the book.


I cheer along with the screaming fans as Chase Atlantic exit the stage, finishing their surprise show in LA. I laugh lightly as the boys gather around each other, giving each other high fives while smiling like mad. Mitchel catches my eye and starts to jog over to me, i laugh as i open my arms for a hug but then soon realize how sweaty he is.

"Nikki!" mitchel shouts, spinning me around as i continue to giggle into his neck. Finally when he sets me down, i push him away playfully. "Stop, you stink and you're sweaty!" My smile drops a bit as i see a devious smirk form on his face. "Mitchel don't you dare—" He grabs my face and starts to place multiple kisses all over my face, causing me to burst out in a fit of giggles for the second time today.

"Ew PDA, not good." I glance at Jesse who had pulled who had his face up in disgust. Christian comes up behind him and rests his elbow on his shoulder. "Jesse, you're just jealous that you can't do that to anyone." Jesse smacks Christians arm and he staggers away laughing, "Whatever Kras."

"You guys were great." I sat and move up to hug each one of them individually. Once i backed up Mitchel drapes his arm over my shoulder so i lean into his side.

"Isn't Alexa, Angeline, Makayla, And Kayley here?" Pat asks, speaking for the first time.

I shake my head a little bit before speaking up, "No Erica is sick so kayley offered to take care of her, Alexa was busy after the concert, and Makayla and Angeline are around here somewhere." I said with a shrug. I didn't like Angeline much, she gave off a bad vibe the first time i met her, and was a bitch to people a lot of the time. I only hang out with her when Makayla invites me to hang out with her and she's always there. Other than that, we don't really act much.

"I'm sorry you had to watch alone." Mitchel says, furrowing his eyebrows a bit. I chuckle and kiss the space in between them. "It's okay, besides i got to pay attention to your amazing music." I say, poking mitchel's stomach playfully which caused him to roll his eyes and kiss the top of my head gently.

"Well let's get you home so we can take a shower." I day, directing my last words towards Mitchel. "and, i can go to sleep because i'm exhausted."

The boys all nod and we all say goodbye to one another. When we get home, me and Mitchel take a shower in which he informs me that the boys want to hang out tonight.

He walks into the bedroom shirtless and rubs a towel through his wet hair. I had just got done getting changed, "so what made you guys change your mind?"

Mitchel shrugs as he pulls on a shirt, "I don't know. Clinton texted me saying to get dressed and that he'll pick me up outside." He says, turning around and leaning against the dresser as he looks at me. "Are you sure you want to stay home?" He asked me.

I change my position on the bed, looking over at him. "Yep, as i said earlier i'm tired and haven't gotten much sleep. But, you go out and have fun. I'll still be here when you get back."

Mitchel smiles a little and walks over to me, standing by the bed. I placed my arms around his neck and he circles his arms around my waist, "Okay babe." He said, leaning down and kissing me. The kiss starts to pick up slightly until we broke a part by a honk coming from outside. Mitchel kisses me one last time before pulling away, "I love you, i'll see you later.".

"I love you too, bye." I say before he pulls away and i lay back down on the bed. After he left i get a text from Alexa asking to come over. I say yes even though i am pretty tired and tell her to pick up some food on the way over, in which she responded back with an 'okay.'

Twenty minutes later, she enters carrying a bag of chinese take out. "Got your favorite." She says, causing me to cheer and reach for the bag like a little kid. She laughs and sets the bag down, climbing onto Mitchels bed and sitting beside me. "I'm starving, let's eat."

We don't speak much while we eat our noodles, but the occasional subject pops up about tonight.

"Did you not want to hang out with Christian and the boys tonight?" I asked her before eating more of my food.

Alexa shakes her head with wide eyes, "No say. He said they're going to a club and Angeline and Makayla were going to be there." She says, causing me to furrow my eyebrows.
Mitchel being in a club with Angeline where drinking and grinding takes place does not sound pleasing to me. I may not be the smartest but to when someone likes me, but it's obvious that Angeline has a thing for Mitchel and her being with him tonight does not make me happy.

Alexa's eyes pop out and she quickly grabs my hand, making me look up and locks eyes with her. "I know what you're thinking, Mitchel wouldn't do anything to break your heart. He loves you way too much, and plus who would want Angeline when they could have you." She tells me reassuringly and squeezes my hand before sitting up.

I laugh slightly, my mood picking up. "Thanks Alexa." I said softly. Before we know it the night passes on and we both fall asleep. Light from the window hits my eyes as i reach over and feel the lack of presence beside me.

Expecting Mitchel, i feel the edge of Alexa's t-shirt and i know that he didn't come home last night. I rub my eyes and yawn quietly while pushing myself up into a sitting position. I glance at the clock on the bed side table, reading around 10:30am.

My phone buzzes from the table and i pick it up to see a notification that i have been mentioned in an article of E!News. I ignored it, thinking it's a thing about my career and go into my messages with Mitchel, typing out a response:

hey, i noticed you didn't come back last night so i hope you're somewhere safe. Probably at Jesse's or something lol. i love you ❤️

I sent the message and then locked my phone, setting it back down on the bed side table. Not expecting Mitchel to answer for at least another hour, Alexa stirs next to me and rubs the sleep out of her eyes. "I'm going to go take a shower." She says and i nod, laying back down in bed.

After i hear the shower running i decide to get something to eat, going down to the kitchen. I get my food and walk back upstairs, sitting on the bed and leaning my back against the headboard of it. I grab my phone with my other hand, scrolling through instagram and occasionally liking a photo. I ignored the comment section of my photos, seeing there was a lot more about how me and Mitchels relationship is all PR, which is definitely is not.

"Uh, Nikki?" Alexa calls out from the bathroom, walking out with her phone in hand. Her mouth was opened wide as she looked down at her screen, "Have you seen the E!News article about you?" She asks, a mixture of anger and confusion on her face as she looked at me.

"No?" I said as more of a question, setting my bowl down onto the table beside my phone. "I didn't think it was important, i thought it was about my career or something." I said.

Alexa shakes her head and I knew something was up. "Go look at it right now, Nikki." She tells me and my stomach drops, i know something is really wrong at the moment. What if Mitchel got into some type of accident and i didn't hear about it? I quickly picked up my phone and and opened the article, seeing something that i didn't expect to see.

"Chase Atlantic Cheating?"

I ask myself, what is this about? But, dread fills my heart as soon as i scroll further down.

Mitchel Cave, lead singer in the band Chase Atlantic, was seen with model Angeline Leigh at a club in Los Angeles together. The next part made my stomach ache and tears filled up my eyes, They were seen leaving the club together walking hand in hand and even share a kiss later that night. By this point i threw my phone onto the bed and let the tears roll down my cheeks, covering my face to muffle the sobs escaping as Alexa comes over and hugs me.

Some of the surprise and hurt starts i subside and it's just placed with pure confusion. Why? Why would Mitchel cheat on me? What did i do? And just last night Alexa was telling me how he would never do anything with Angeline and how he would never hurt me. Well, little does he know that he broke me.

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