The akward one..

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Your P.O.V

Samantha was really shy now that Rachel mentioned Jeremy to her. "N-No....." That was her answer, no in a shaky tone as always but she said it much more quietly.

"Speak up, I think no one heard you." Said Rachel with a smirk of evil intentions.

"N-No!" Samantha got up and started walking away into the woods.

"Samantha!" I cried for her and ran following her.

Rachel and Jake then looked at each other and followed behind me as Samantha was picking up her pace farther, and farther away from our campsite.

"Samantha!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs, "Come back!!" But just like that, she vanished into the darkness and I stopped along with Rachel and Jake.

"(y/n) Where did she go?!" Rachel asked me very worried and guilty.

"I-I don't know..." I replied softly.

Rachel then fell to her knees and cried softly. "It's all my fault.. I didn't mean for her to run off..."

I sat next to her and patted her back gently trying to sooth her of her sadness and guilt. "It's ok. She'll show up again." As I said I helped Rachel off the ground and we all walked back to the campsite gathering on the logs again.

Samantha's P.O.V

My legs, they were burning. They were in so much pain. My lungs, they could barely breath. I was exhausted. The rising and falling of my chest, I couldn't take it much longer. I instantly fell onto the hard ground cracking some branches and I could hear the sound of crumbled leaves beneath my weight. I looked around making sure no one followed me, not Rachel, (y/n) or Jake in sight. I sighed pleased that they were gone. I looked down to the ground thinking of Jeremy..

He was kind of cute when he stuttered.. He had black hair, blue eyes, and his lips were always curved into a smile when ever I was near him. He was my height, and would mostly wear hipster glasses. Those glasses would make him look nerdy and adorable. He would always make himself have different accents depending on our conversations. I found it really cute.

As I was thinking of Jeremy, I heard crackling branches around me. I looked up scared and looked around. "H-Hello? Is any one there..?" The noises stopped imediately. "Hello!?" No sounds. As I looked back at my legs, I heard a whisper.

"Hello darling." Then I was pulled by force with a hand covering my mouth as I screamed I was knocked out.

(A/n: Hey guys, sorry that I haven't updated recently, I've been on summer vacation doing nothing. Anyways, here's your update! Enjoy!)

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