Sometimes I forget how lucky I am
I get caught up
In the issues that demand my heart and my mind
In issues that stir the deepest of injustices from inside who I am at my very core
And they are real issues
Worth my time,
My voice
But I forget how lucky I am
That I can go to school
That I can walk down a street without getting shot
That I live with a family who loves and supports me
That I have friends that are trustworthy and wonderful people
That I can go to college
That I can get a job
That I can get married to the person I want to marry
That I can vote
That I have a voice
That I will not be sold
That I will not be a slave
That I am my own person
Remember those who are not so lucky
We Feel More Than What We Say Out Loud
شِعرEveryone has emotions that are difficult to put into words, that strain the mind and demand release. Mine fall onto the page and speak what I don't say.