A Double Cross

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Y/N's pov

almost late for the bus looking out the window and not paying attention to class. why didn't she shoot at me when all the other players run? why did XeXeeD put a bounty on me? wh-

Teacher: Y/N.

Y/N: *jumps and shakes head* y-yes?

Teacher: are you all right? you've been staring out the window almost all class.

Y/N: I-I um I'm good. 

Teacher: busy night? 

Y/N: ya the neighbors were a bit noisy. 

Teacher: ok will please pay attention? 

Y/N: yes mam. *takes sunglasses off and rubs his eyes* 

Teacher: I'm sorry for asking but are your eyes reall- *Y/N looks at the teacher and then puts his sunglasses on* 

Y/N: speechless *rests head on hand*  

Teacher: class let's continue.

Y/N: hu... *looks out the window* 

time skip 

Y/N: *looks at his bed* let's hope the bounty is off my head *lays in bed* link start! 

Sinon's pov

Sinon is laying down waiting for something to happen when she gets a notification and opens it.

Sinon: it's from Scout... what does he want? *opens the notification* "hey Sinon! how you doing? I need you to find U/N. XeXeeD wants to talk to him if he doesn't want to make him... please" *rolls eyes* fine.

Y/N's pov 

U/N: *closes eyes and holds his breath... open one eye and nothing there* ok please still be there *looks down and sees hidden blades* ha ok... time to find XeXeeD. *walks into the SBC Glocken* where would a self-sintered player like him be? *sees XeXeed walk out of a bar* of cores. XeXeeD! 

XeXeeD: a U/- *U/N grabs him by the shirt* 


XeXeeD: I thought I did I gue- *U/N punches XeXeeD in the face* ok, ok I will take the bounty off your head but I want those blades. 

U/N: ok *flics his right hand and a blade shoot out* how about I give it to your throat *puts the blade near XeXeeD's throat* 

XeXeeD: ok, ok how about a nether deal? 

U/N: I'm lessening.

XeXeeD: you bring me, Sinon, for questioning and I'll take the bounty off. ok... ok?

U/N: ... *flics hand and lets go* ok.

no one's pov

U/N/Sinon: where can I find him/her? *Scout sends her a location and XeXeeD points to the same location* 

U/N/Sinon: ok I'll find him/her. 

U/N's pov

XeXeeD said she would be heard but considering that she's a sniper she would be up in a good sniper passion which would be up there. her sniper isn't moving which means that she is waiting for me. ok, I'm going to go behind her and see if I can get the drop on her. 

No ones pov

U/N slowly claimed up the building up until he reached the floor Sinon was over and slowly claimed in a window and walked to where Sinon was. 

U/N: where is she? *walks up to her sniper and picks it up,* nice sniper. *a pistol is pushed against U/N's head*

Sinon: put my sniper down. 

U/N: ok *slowly kneels down and puts her sniper down and grabs a hand full of dust and turns around hitting Sinon's pistol out of her hand and throwing the dust in her face* 

Sinon: aw *rubs her eyes but before she could go for her pistol a photon katana was against her throat with U/N hand around her waist pulling her close to the blade* 

U/N: you're good... how did you know I was coming?

Sinon: Scout told me you'd be heard and he wasn't wrong.

U/N: funny XeXeeD told me you'd be here to... and look at that... *lets go of Sinon and sheaths his photon katana and grabs Sinon sniper and looks thru her sits* 

Sinon: *runs over and grabs her pistol and aims it at U/N* what are you doing?

U/N: think about it... why would Scout and XeXeeD send us to the same place... at the same time... unless *looks at Sinon*  

Sinon: unless what? 

U/N: unless it's a double-cross. think about it why would XeXeeD bring me here?

Sinon: to kill you.

U/N: exactly. to get rid of my bounty so he wouldn't have to pay someone else. 

Sinon: then why would Scout bring me here?

U/N: *gives Sinon's sniper back* why else... you could have shot at me. but you didn't. Sniper420 probably didn't like it. *hears a ticking noise* do you hear that? 

Sinon: it sounds like ticking *U/N eyes widen and an explosion goose off sending Sinon flying off the side of the edge* 

U/N: SINON! leap of faith *jumps off* SINON!, SINON! 

Scout's pov

Sniper420: *over a com* did they go into the Dark Beyond?  

Scout: yes... I have a question.


Scout: what happens in the Dark Beyond?

Sniper420: if you die you lose all your items. 

Scout: well that sucks. 

Sniper420: ya.

U/N's pov

U/N is holding an unconscious Sinon in his arms with his hidden blade stabbed into the rook wall. 

U/N: that was close. *blade start's to lose grip* no, no, no. *blade slips* SHIT!



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