The Plan

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U/N pov.

after the talk Sinon and I had I told her I need to tell Kirito something. I left Sinon in the cave so I could talk to Kirito.

U/N: hey Kirito.

Kirito: hey, how did the talk go?

U/N: better than I thought. she still wants to talk to me, so that's good.

Kirito: that's good so what happened with Death Gun?

I cross my arms and look at Kirito.

U/N: I think I know how Death Gun is killing people.

Kirito razes an eyebrow and looks at me.

Kirito: I have I idea too but let's hear yours.

U/N: you know how it's impossible to kill someone in GGO or I'm guessing ALO?

Kirito: ya.

U/N: well what if he's not killing them?

Kirito: what if someone ales were doing it?

U/N: I think I know how he's doing it. he has invisibility.

Kirito: so he sees the address of players as they're tipping it in to register.

U/N: he sends a player's address to someone else.

Kirito: and that person breaks into the player's house.

U/N: and when Death Gun shoots the player he intends to kill.

Kirito: the other person inject the player with something to stop the heart... but how does the person know when to inject the player?

U/N: live cameras are watching the Tournament.

Kirito: but how did he kill other people out of the Tournament?

U/N: thru the live shows. I was there when XeXeeD died... that means.

Kirito: what?

I look at Sinon and then back at Kirito.

U/N: then that means someone is over me and Sinon right now waiting for me or Sinon to get shot.

Sinon: WHAT!?

me and Kirito jump and look at Sinon about to have a panic attack. I walk over to her and put my hand on her shoulders.

U/N: Sinon you have to calm down.

Sinon: n-n-n-no I-I-I-I-I d-d-ont want t-t-to die.

U/N: you're not going to you have to calm down.

Sinon's knees give out and she falls but I ketch her and go down to my knees and hug her.

U/N: Sinon you need to come down, if your heart gets too high your gear will automatically log you out. please relax.

Sinon: n-n-no I-I can't I-I-I d-don't w-want to die.

U/N: fuck.

Sinons pov.

I'm starting to have a panic attack in U/N arms I close my eyes too afraid to think of anything, the thought of someone over me waiting for me to get shot scares me too much. I lose track of everything but I feel something soft on my lips and it comes me down I open my eyes. but I'm still hugging U/N he hasn't moved from the hug.

U/N: I'm right here with you and so is Kirito. I won't let you get shot. I won't let death Gun come anywhere near you.

Sinon: *blushing* d-did you just k-kiss me?

U/N just chuckles softly.

U/N: I don't know what you're talking about. have you calmed down now?

Sinon: ya.

U/N retraces from the hug and gives me a smile before standing up.

U/N: we need a plan to take down Death Gun.

Kirito: what do you have in mind?

U/N: really?

Kirito: what?

U/N: you usually make the plan.

Kirito: you know more about this place than I do.

U/N: ok that makes sense.

I start to rub my chin thinking of a plan. I get my Black Star and look at it, shortly after I snap my finger holster my Black Star, and turn to Sinon and Kirito.

Sinon: have a plan?

U/N: ok, Sinon you see that building over there. *points to a destroyed building*

Sinon: ya.

U/N: you're the sniper so you know what to do.

Sinon: got you.

U/N: Kirito I need you to be a decoy.

Sinon: are you crazy!?

Kirito: it's fine I didn't I'm in a hospital there monitoring my heart rate and all the other stuff. what are you going to do?

U/N: I'm going to get the drop on him as you distract him.

Sinon: how will you do that? I could just shoot him.

U/N: Impossible, he will see your bullet line and move out of the way. but I have something he doesn't invisibility.

Kirito: explain pleas.

U/N: ok, you know how a Chameleon mimics its surroundings?

Sinon: ya.

U/N: will I have invisibility. that's how I snuck up to you two so easily.

Kirito: how didn't we see your footprints?

U/N: that's a perk of the invisibility. so, Kirito I need you to be out in the open your not his target if he shoots you with his Black Star your fine. but if he shoots me or Sinon, you know what happens. *looks at Sinon* only take a shot if he's not looking in your direction. I have a special surprise for him. *looks at holstered Black Star* do we know the plan?

Kirito/Sinon: got it!

U/N: good let's wait till nightfall.

we all wait till night Kirito and I get some sleep because U/N told us to Kirito is resting on the wall while I rest on U/N lap. sometimes I can feel U/N put his hand on my head. every time he does that I feel good. sadly it passes and U/N wakes us up.

U/N: Sinon stay here.

Sinon: what are you doing?

U/N: Kirito and I go outside the cave, that scan is only going to happen one more time. I want Death Gun to know where we are. not you.

Sinon: why?

U/N: I don't want him to know where you are.

Sinon: ... ok.

U/N nods and they both walk out of the cave leaving me in the cave alone. I sit down and open the map as the scan is going, there are only five players left two of them to die which means they killed each other at the same time. all I see is Kirito and U/N. they both walk back into the cave and U/N knees down while Kirito stays standing.

U/N pov.

U/N: that is not what I wanted to see.

Sinon: is Death Gun dead?

U/N: no, no he's not.

Kirito: we should get into our potions.

U/N: ya the scans are done, Sinon get in your passion but be careful.

Sinon: I should be telling you the same thing.

me, Sinon, and Kirito get in are passions with Kirito out in the open, Sinon in the building, and I cloaked waiting for Death Gun to show up.

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