The princess and 7 boys

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I woke up early to meet the boys before father or anyone found out. I showered and put on my dress and ran out of my room quietly. I got outside to feel to cool air to hit my skin. It was nice. I walked towards the river where I saw them yesterday. Once I got there I saw Namjoon there.

"Prince Namjoon!" I yelled

He turned around and waved at me. I waved back and I started running towards him. Then I saw all the boys come out of the forest.

"Good morning Princess." Hoseok said.

"Good morning too you all." I said.

"What are you doing here so early?" Seokjin asked.

"I wanted to see you all before my father wakes up and tells me to sit down and meet more Lords that ask for my hand in marriage."

"That's very kind of you Princess." Taehyung said.

I blushed a bit. But then I heard horses.

"You must hide that might be knights. Please hide hurry. I must go inside." I said pushing them back into the forest.

Then someone grabbed my wrist.

"Come with us." Jungkook said.

We all ran to a cabin I've never seen before. We enter and sat there until the horses passed by.

"Thank you very much you boys but I must go. It's almost time for brunch for me. Plus my father will wake up soon." I said.

I bowed then exited the cabin. I walked back to castle to find my father mad. I was in serious trouble now.

Namjoon's POV

After she left all got ready to eat brunch. We talked for a bit. Then Hoseok brought up Y/n name.

"What are going to do about Y/n?"

I cleared my throat and spoke.

"I don't know yet. There hasn't been anything bad that has happened to her."

"Namjoon is right she's not in any danger yet." Seokjin said.

"Can you guys shut up? I'm trying sleep here." Yoongi said.

"Alright that's enough guys let's get ready for fencing and arrow shooting practice."


My father lecture me about not to go out that early in the morning. I hate how he doesn't let me go out a lot. I finished brunch and ran off to see my horses. She was a rare horses for any royal to have. She was beautiful black stallion with white streaks on her face and legs. I've only seen white horses or brown horses when royals or lords come over never a black horses. I gave my horses a carrot then an apple.

"Should we go riding day in the forest Athena?" I asked her.

I called over one of the stable boys to give me a saddle. Once they put it on I got on. I pat Athena and grabbed the reins. I tugged the rein and road off to the forest.

~Time skip~

I stopped at a creek for Athena to drink some water when I heard fighting.

"Athena let's go. Let's go see what's going on over there?"

I tugged the rein and walked towards the fighting sound. All of a sudden I seen the 7 princes fighting and training. I watched from a far until Athena started to get scared. I shushed her by rubbing her nose to calm her down. Then a sword was at my neck. I was scared. I couldn't move.

"Yoongi put the sword down now." I heard Namjoon say.

I relaxed more. Yoongi put the sword down. As Namjoon and the rest boys come around.

"I'm so sorry for that Princess Y/n." Namjoon said.

"You don't have to call me Princess Y/n just call me Y/n. It's much easier."

"Alright Y/n." Namjoon said.

"So what brings you here Y/n?" Hoseok asked

"I was riding on my horses in forest. I stop for drink when I heard fighting. Then I saw you boys."

"Ah we taught you were knight when we heard the horse." Jimin said.

"I'm so sorry about that. She's get scared when it loud or lightening strikes."

I patted Athena's head. Athena rubbed her head to my face.

"Wait that horse it's a black stallion. How do you have one?" Seokjin said.

"It was a gift for my birthday when I was 16. Out of all the horses in palace she's the only black stallion there."

"Wow it's rare to see a black stallion in Silla and ride by a royal." Taehyung said.

"It is. My family didn't want it but I forced them to keep it."


I heard knights yelling.

"Oh no the knights. Hide go hurry."

I pushed them to run.

"Y/n... they are looking for our cabin we can't go there. They'll find us." Jungkook said.

I jump on my horses and told them.

"Alright then follow me."

"But don't have our horses here. We have to go back to the cabin to get them." Namjoon said.

"Alright then hurry."

Once we got to the cabin they grabbed as much things they could get and put it on the horses. They get on.


"Ready." They all said.

I grabbed the reins and hit it to start running. I heard knights getting to the cabin. We rode off to a place I know.

"What is this place Y/n?" Yoongi had asked.

"This is where I normally hide with my mother in any danger. You can stay here until things are clear ok."

"Thank you very much Y/n." Seokjin said.

"No worry but I must go before my father starts sending out more knights to find me."

"Go Y/n we'll be fine ok." Hoseok said.

I smiled and waved bye and rode back home.

Knight's POV

We rode into the forest after we've seen those princes. I told the men to search for a cabin.

"Captain look the cabin right there."

We rode to it. Once we got there we go inside to see a few items that had to belong to Princes.

"We'll inform the king about this."

They are here I know they are. We walked back to our horses and rode back to palace.


Once I made it home. I placed my horse back into its stable and walk back inside the palace.

"Ah there you are Princess." Lord Hyun-Ki said.

"Hello Lord Hyun-Ki."

I bowed and walked towards him.

"It's time for supper. Let's go eat my dear." He said.

Did he just call me my dear? I don't like this at all.

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