Everything was a lie from the beginning

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I woke up to my stomach growling at me. I sat up and looked around to only remember that i was thrown into the tower to not escape. I pulled my legs closer to me and cried to myself. I thought to myself. I miss mother. I miss hoseok. I hate this place. I hate my father for making me to marry someone i don't know.
All of a sudden the door slams open showing the knights and my father standing in the door. I was terrified out of my mind. Im scared because i don't have Hoseok with me.

"Well tomorrow is your wedding sweetie and they will be executed." Father said.

"No that will never happen they will save me from your awful tricks."

"Do you want to know something?" Father asked.

"What?" i said in annoyance.

"Well your mother is alive but i also heard that Hoseok doesn't love because you're too dangerous to live if he keeps you." he said

"No that's not true mother died in front of my eyes. I know that Hoseok loves me he wouldn't say that i know it."

"Its true. These things im telling are true. They lied to you. Everyone you meet lied about everything to you." He said again to conveying me.

"No they can't be right. No no no." I said starting to have tears form in my eyes.

"Yes it true i'll show you" he said

I stood up and nodded at him.

"Show me then"

He smirked at me then turned around heading out of the tower. I followed him to a room that i didn't know at all about. He opens the door for me to see my mother standing at a bookshelf.

"Mother is that really you?"

She turned around with tears in her eyes. I ran to her and hugged her tight.

"I thought you died. You died in front of me. How could you stay away from me for so long. I was hurt."

"Im sorry sweetie but your father...:" mother said but stopped to look up.

Then she whispered.

"You're father saved me to keep you thinking that i'm dead so you'll break and he'll kill you." Mother said.

I covered my mouth so i dont cry so hard.

"Why would he do this to us?" i asked with my sad tone (sorry my mind is just dead because i'm depressed)

"Because he wants to kill those boys to win the country but i know they alive." Mother said

"I do too but um.. They are getting killed tomorrow on my wedding day."


"Mother please stop him he's going to kill someone i loved that i think he'd lied about something that I think is true."

"Who sweetie?" Mother asked.

"He's...um...Prince Hoseok." I stuttered to say.

"Really?! My daughter is in love." Mother said in excitement

"Mother!" I scold her.

"Sorry but my only daughter is finally in love with someone. But what was the lie your father tell you." She asked.

"Well he said that he only pretended to be in love with me. I don't want to believe but I believe. I love him mother."

I began to form tears into feeling all the pain and hatred to my father and my feelings to Hoseok.

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