Help me

22 1 0

A day later

Hoseok POV

This place sucks to be in. I want to see Y/n so bad. Is anything wrong with here? I paced back and forth from one wall to other thinking to myself.

"Hoseok stop walking back and forth." Seokjin said.

"I can't. I'm to worried about y/n that i think shes dead already."

"She's not dead Hoseok." Namjoon said.

"Then why do I have a bad feeling in my body?"

"I don't know." Yoongi said.

"Hoseok, just calm down ok." Jimin said.

"Arugh fine!"

I slide down the wall just in anger. I'm too worried about her. I'm scared that i lost her. I began to cry until i heard metal clicking together. I looked to see knights and the enemy in front of us. I stood and walked up to him.


"Hoseok stop." jungkook said grabbing me.

"Wow furious are you?" The king said.

"What do you want from us?" Namjoon asked.

"Well someone wants to say hi to you." the king said

"WHO?!" we all asked.

The person comes out from behind and it was Irene. Namjoon was shocked to see her.

"Irene?" Namjoon said.

"Hi Namjoon and hello boys." Irene said

"Namjoon your girlfriend is here why?" i asked him

"I don't know." he said.

"I'm sorry you guys are hear but i might not see you again it's been announced that you'll be executed before Princess Y/n is married. I'm going to miss you all even you Namjoon. I love you." Irene said.

"How could you you son of a bitch why?"

I tried to get close to the king but the boys stop me. Then i heard footsteps from outside.


I walked around to find a way out but nothing until i saw a door open. I walked to see knights standing right there. I got up slowly then ran.

"GET BACK NOW!" the knights yelled.

I continued to run to find the dungeon and get them free. I ran down the stairs as fast as i could before they got to me. My shoes fell off and i just left them. But before i get out the door i was grabbed by the knights and dragged to somewhere. I struggled to get free from them before my father found out. But nothing worked i was stuck in between the knights. Me and the Knights walked down a long staircase to the dungeon. I get them free but hopefully father isn't there or i'm dead now. Me and the knights walked into the room where i saw Hoseok and the boys but also my father.


"Y/N!" Hoseok yelled.

"Well it looks like you escaped your room didn't you." Father said.

"I hate being that boring room you never let me out of that room now!"

Then all of a sudden my father slapped me. The knights let go of me letting me fall to the ground. I cried my heart out.

"I wish you saved mother than me!"

"Y/N!" Father yelled


"FINE! We will do that and you can watch them die too." father said.

I looked up to him in anger then i looked at the boys that were worried. I looked at Hoseok and mouth.

"Im sorry Hoseok."

This might be the last time i see Hoseok again. I cried looking down.

"Take her to the tower and have all guards surrounding the tower and the staircase." Father said.

I was lifted up and carried all the way up to tower. I was thrown in there really hard. I cried my heart out knowing that this is all my fault.

"Mother please help me please. Please stop father from killing Hoseok and the boys the day of my wedding. Please." I said crying.

Hoseok POV

Once Y/n was taken away our enemy looked at and said.

"Well ill be seeing you dead this weekend. I cant wait to get rid of her and take this kingdom for myself." Our enemy said

"You will pay for this!"

"HAHAHAHAHA!" Our enemy just laughed and left.

"Hoseok we need a plan we can't let him win." Taehyung said.

"I know we need a plan but what kind?"

I walked back and forward to think of a plan but nothing. I couldn't think of again. Until Irene came back in with someone.

"Guys I'm sorry you had to go through that but I'm going to help you ok." Irene said.

"Really thank you sweetie." Namjoon said.

"I don't want to lose my boyfriend at all and I can tell that Hoseok has a thing for the princess." Irene said.

"Shut up and help us ok."

"Ok ok hold on let me introduce him first." Irene said.

"Who?" We all asked.

"This is my brother Eunwoo, he's a knight here." Irene said.

"Oh hi." Namjoon said

"It's nice to meet the princes of this kingdom. It's a pleasure to help you get your kingdom back as my father stood right next to your father in the war." Eunwoo said.

"I remembered that. Now how do we get out of here." Yoongi said.

"I have the keys so hold on." Eunwoo said.

Eunwoo walks over to the gate and unlocks the door. We get out one by one to escape quietly.

"Thank you Eunwoo."

"No problem now I must get going but I'll help you." Eunwoo said.

"Ok thank you." Seokjin said.

"Thank you Irene for helping us." Jimin said.

"It's no problem just get this kingdom back so I can get married to Namjoon." Irene said smiling.

"What is she talking about Namjoon." Jungkook asked.

"Well... me and her were engaged before the war started. Father agreed so I proposed to her." Namjoon explained.

"Wow." We all said.

"Well hurry and get the princess before anything happens ok." Irene said.

"Ok see you this weekend."

Irene left and me and the boys walked out to see every Knight out walking and guard a passage.

"Let's find our rooms and stay there until the weekend got it."

"Ok." They all said.

We walked quietly to our rooms. Once we got there we all went in our separates and fall on the bed.

I miss my room and this place. I wished mother and father was here.

I closed eyes slowly and drifted off to sleep.

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