chapter fifteen

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I woke up, still laying in the grass at the park. I guess my mom never came looking for me. I walked home, and lucky for me she had already left for work.

I got dressed for school, wearing another long sleeve to cover the cuts. I had completely forgotten about the whole Josh situation, and my anxiety heightened as I spotted him in the hallway. I did my best to avoid him at all costs, and it seemed to work. I was safe, for now.

I couldn't focus in class, thinking about Steve. Things were so much better when he was around. I had never felt so happy. He was my superhero.

I was so eager to see him, I could hardly stand it. A slid up my sleeve and peaked at my wounds. I realized they weren't going heel before I saw Steve. He will be so disappointed, I thought.

I guess I wasn't being lowkey enough, because my teacher had me sent to the counselors office. "So, Mr. Stark, I am told that you have harmed yourself. Can you tell me what that's about?"

"I don't have to tell you anything."

"No, but I believe it's in your best interest. Now tell me, what seems to be the problem?"

I felt the tears streaming down my face. "Just leave me alone."

"I can call your mother if you'd like?"

"No, anything but that."

"How about I just send you home?" I nodded, and she wrote me a slip.

When I walked in the door, my mother was sitting there at the kitchen table, waiting for my arrival.

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