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        The day we were allowed to choose a different faction was the day that everything changed. I was originally from Erudite, but I chose Dauntless. We were all ten, and most of us stayed with our parents. There was a choice, we could choose a different faction when we were ten, or when we were thirteen.

The ceremony had started how it always started, the host, a man from Dauntless, started off with a speech about the journey us initiates were about to take if we chose at this age and an overview of the importance of choosing the correct faction. Lastly, he read from a list of the children's name in reverse alphabetical order. My last name was Leavenfield, but I didn't have to wait too long to be called. The ones who thought they were ready to choose a different faction all sat with our parents at the front of each section. I was one of five who were choosing from Erudite.

When it was time, I had stood before the five bowls, filled with different things for the different factions, water for Erudite, burning coals representing Dauntless, glass as Candor, grey stone for Abnegation, and earth representing Amity. I knew my parents were hoping I would choose Erudite, and stay with them. I was holding the knife, and I had already made a cut in the palm of my hands when the water called out to me, urging me to drip my blood into it.

Before I could think clearly, my blood had already been sizzling on the coals. I had been in a daze...I didn't quite remember the rest of the day clearly...just vague memories.

I had known what everyone had thought. Transferring factions was a disgrace, and even at this age, ten was too young, we were all too stubborn, not yet independent, but I still chose Dauntless. It was a disgrace to my parents. Us Erudites were thought to be smart, to make smart choices.

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