First encounter

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"Dont worry Emilia, I'll grab your bags just go and see Olivia." Greg said before climbing out of the car.

I followed his actions and stood in front of the beautiful house infront of me. The garden was breathtaking, with bright and colourful flowers scattering the grass. Olivia had obviously been busy these past few months.

"Well if it isnt my favourite girl in the entire world?"

I turned to face a beautiful blonde haired girl with gorgeous green eyes and an amazing figure stood smiling at me. Olivia was as beautiful as ever as I ran towards her and she embraced me in a humongous hug.

"Hi Olivia. how have you been?"

"Amazing. I cant wait for the next six weeks with my bestie for life. woop woop!" Olivia cheered as I laughed at her. Olivia was like the big sister I never had but she was honestly like a six year old child.

"I see you've managed to get greg to look presentable for once."

"It took some time but I managed to make him more manly." she chuckled.

"I can hear you right here you know?" shouted Greg while trying to carry most of my bags at the same time.

"I know babe I just wanted to see your reaction." Olivia said and we both burst out laughing.

I was so caught up laughing I didn't notice the woman walking out of her front door til Olivia and Greg said hello.

"Well who is this beautiful young lady." I blushed and smiled politely.

"My name is Emilia Williams and its a pleasure to meet you." I smiled brightly. she smiled back just as warm.

"well dear my name is Maura. Would you like to join us tonight along with greg and olivia for a party?"

before I could answer Olivia agreed for me and Maura's eyes lit up in delight.

"That's fantastic! come round any time after seven." she said before going back into her house as we said goodbye. I turned to face Olivia who had a sheepish smile on her face. Dont get me wrong, I love parties but I hardly knew Maura and I'd only just arrived however I couldnt back out now as it would just upset Olivia.

"Well you best glam me up then Olivia. Because I am losing all fashion sense." I sighed.

she smiled and giggled before grabbing my hand and yanking me into the house that was to become my home for the next six weeks.


"Gosh does my hair look ok?" Olivia said as we stood outside Maura's door.  Greg laughed before kissing the side of her face, causing her to smile, and ringing the doorbell. They looked like the perfect couple. Greg was dressed handsomely in blue jeans, white converse and a white polo shirt. Olivia looked beautiful in a blue and white striped maxi dress and white gladiator sandals with her hair in a low bun at the side of her fave with curls framing her face. I smoothed out my own coral floral shift dress which had been paired with white and coral converse and a white and coral flower crown on top of my beach waves hair and took a deep breath. Its only one small party Emilia, enjoy yourself.

The door opened and Maura stood there with a bright smile on her face in a gorgeous green dress.

"Hello come in, come in I'm glad you came!" She said while waving us in. While Olivia, Greg and Maura talked I took my time to take in the house in front of me and it looked so comfy and homey, my dream home. This house brought back so man memories and the tears suddenly started streaming down my face. I ran down the hallway to find the nearest bathroom and bumped into a someone and landed on the floor.

"Oh my god, are you ok?" the person asked.

"Yeah I'm fine its ok" I said as the person helped me up. I looked up to see a brown haired boy with blue eyes looking at me. He was attractive but something about him made him seem more of a friend. He smiled but then he probably realised that my eyes were slightly red and his smile drooped.

"hey you dont look ok? is everything alright?" he asked with concern in his eyes. Of course I wasnt alright but I'm not going to tell a complete stranger about my past.

"everything's fine, I'm fine" I smiled at him. He smiled back at me and patted my shoulder comfortingly.

"well love I better introduce myself. My name is Louis Tomlinson and you are?" He said while bowing for me.

"My name is Emilia Williams and its a pleasure to meet you Louis." I said whilst curtseying. We laughed at each other until we heard somebody shouting Louis' name.

'Well I best go and find this strange voice. See you around Emilia!"

"You too Louis!" I said as he walked away. I made my way to the bathroom and sorted my apperance out. l liked Louis, he seemed really nice and bubbly and I would like to see him as a friend. I left the bathroom to find Olivia stood outside, a look of worry across her face.

"Emilia are you alright. I saw you walk away and immediately I thought something had happened."

"I'm fine Olivia, just the house reminded me of home in England." I felt like I had said "I'm fine" so many times today, it was driving me insane. Olivia smiled and guided me outside.

"okay then. we are going to go and talk to Greg and a couple of friends if that's ok?"

"yeah that's fine." I said as we made our way out to the garden. Olivia guided me to a table where Greg and five guys sat and thats where I saw him, and he was staring right at me.


sorry that chapter took so long, have been busy the past two days. read, comment and vote loves! ily!

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