Meeting the Malik

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I entered the classroom. Today’s my first day at MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology). I’m on the Astrophysics course.

I went forward and took a seat. Then I pulled a notebook out of my bag and put it on the desk in front of me. Still 15 minutes left until the first lecture starts. I turned my iPod on. As the music blared out of the earplugs I got lost in it. I wasn’t noticing anything around me anymore. Time passed in fast forward. I sort of noticed people passing by and taking seats. People chatting with each other and people immersed in reference books. Being a student of Astrophysics, I guess I should be doing that too. But man, music is my life too! I like to listen to it and sing along with it. It’s not like I have a really good voice or something. But it’s not bad either. I never took music or voice lessons. I only took guitar lessons so that I get the freedom to sing acoustic songs.

Suddenly I noticed that everyone has stopped talking. The lecturer might have arrived. I pulled the earplugs out of my ears and looked backwards. Yes, it’s him. The lecturer was a middle-aged man with gray hairs and specs. He was pretty much in shape. He walked on and over to the stage. He wrote his name on the board. “M-i-c-h-a-e-l W-o-l-f-s-m-i-t-h” – it spelled. His last name sure didn’t match with his appearance. He looked nothing like a wolf!

“Hello, everybody. I’m Mr. Wolfsmith. I’m your Astrophysics lecturer and you’ll see me pretty often from now on.” Saying this he smiled. Pretty smile.

“Now introduce yourselves to me and to the class.” He said, “Let’s start from the right corner. What’s your name and where are you from?” he asked the girl on the rightmost corner.

“Anna Beckons. I am fromEngland.” She replied.

“Okay. Now what’s your name?” he asked the girl behind Anna Beckons and so he went. It’d take time for him to reach me as I’m on the left corner.

Suddenly someone stopped Mr. Wolfsmith, “May I come in?” a male voice echoed from the entrance of the room. He was pretty late for the first lecture. Not a good first impression.

“Hey! Aren’t you Mr. Malik?” Mr. Wolfsmith asked, surprised. The Anna girl shrieked at this for some reason! A few other girls screamed as well. I looked back as I couldn’t understand the reason behind the sudden excitement in the classroom. The dude had black hair and brown eyes, both darker than mine. He had tanned skin, still fairer than mine.

He gave Mr. Wolfsmith a guilty smile and nodded.

“Well, come in.” Mr. Wolfsmith said, “And don’t ever be late again!” he smiled in a way that made me realize that he WILL forgive this Malik dude again if he was late.

The boy nodded his head and ran into the room. For some reason he ran toward me which I couldn’t understand why until he slammed his bag on the desk beside mine and flopped down beside me! Why did this crazy dude have to sit beside me when there’re like millions of other empty chairs in the room!

He turned to me and flashed a smile, “Hi!”

“Hello.” I smiled back.

“I’m Zayn! Know me?” he wiggled his brows.

“Wait a second … you’re ZAYN MALIK? From 1D?” I staggered.

“Yeah!” he shrugged and smiled away.

“What the hell on earth are you doing here? On MIT? In an Astrophysics lecture?” my eyes popped out.

“Well, you know… the past 6 years’ been totally crazy! Didn’t get a chance to do higher studies. Good thing I finished my comprehensive school in time. Or else I might never even get the chance to study here!”

“And why the hell would you need higher studies? I mean, don’t you make enough money by singing?”

“It’s my mom! It always has been her dream to see me as an astronaut or something! Her dreams are pretty crazy! She wants to see my in space, Moon, Mars! Bla Bla Blah! So I sort of promised her that I’ll come to study at MIT on Astrophysics almost 8 years ago. And I can’t break my promise!” he shook his shoulders.

“So you, yourself don’t have any interest on the subject?”

“I do. Sort of. It’s like I was so determined to study here that I’ve never actually stopped studying on the subject in the past 4 years! The boys call me their Galileo! Hah!” he shrugged off.

“Oh. That’s good to know. So how are you?”

“Good, I guess. Busier than ever - Recording, concerts, shows, fans and now study added. What about you?”

“I’m good. It’s like a dream come true. Two dreams actually. One, I’m studying at MIT! Two, I MET YOU IN PERSON! I mean, I knew that I would’ve met you someday. But I never imagined that it’d be in such a near future!”

“Whoa! You’re THAT big fan of mine? At first, I thought you didn’t even know me! You weren’t the least bit excited to see me!” he seemed surprised.

“Actually I’ve never even realized that that was you! It’s like I’ve never imagined that I’d meet you here! If I saw you anywhere else BUT here, I surely would’ve fainted!”


“Hey! Enough talking!” Mr. Wolfsmith howled.

“Opps!” Zayn’s looked down.

“Sorry, Mr. Wolfsmith.” I apologized.

As Mr. Wolfsmith turned away, Zayn stuck his tongue at him and crossed his eyes. I laughed quietly at this.

Then Zayn turned back at me again, “We’ll talk later, ‘kay?” he whispered.

“It’s okay.”

After a while the lecture started and we both got plunged in it.

As the lecture was over, all the girls in the class came and crowded around Zayn without even waiting for Mr. Wolfsmith to leave the class, wanting his autograph! I felt pity for the dude. He stared at me from the distance. I grinned. He had a pleading look on his face and a note written all over it, “PLEASE HELP ME!”

I flashed a smile at him which said, “SORRY! GOTTA GO!!”

He rolled his eyes. I left the room.

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