Someone's Being Awkward

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Liam returned with a large grocery bag. He opened the back door and threw the bag at Niall, “There you go! All the foods you need for the next 8 hours!” he yelled, “And you can find you carrots in there too!” he assured Louis, “I got some gummy bears for you as well.”

“You are the best Daddy ever!” Louis cried.

“Yep, certainly the BEST!” Niall echoed.

Liam shut the door and got back to his seat. Then he started driving again.

Louis was back to his seat again, busy eating carrots and Niall got engaged with his foods again.  Liam turned on the music. “What makes you beautiful” blared out of the speakers. Zayn smiled at me through the rear-view mirror. I smiled back.

My hands were resting on the seat beside my body. I felt that Harry’s hand touched my left hand, intentionally of course! AWKWARD! I slowly pulled it away and placed it on my lap. No boy has ever touched my hand before Zayn. Now Harry did. And I didn’t like it.

But Harry didn’t seem to mind, “You know, we’re really not the way we might seem to be.” He said softly.

Yeah, right. You’re WAY worse! I thought but didn’t say it out loud though. I just smiled in reply.

“Louis is really the way I thought he would be!” I said.

“Uh, well, yeah. He’s my best friend and we got a strong bromance going on between us but I have to admit that he’s totally crazy! I’m not like him though.”

Why does he have to look good to me? I really don’t care if he’s crazy or not! It doesn’t matter. It’s not like that I like him or something.

I just nodded.

“So I hear that you’re single.” Harry said again.

“Yeah, I’ve actually never been in any relationships.” I declared.

“Really? Wow!” he seemed to be surprised at this, “I can’t believe that such a beautiful girl like you could stay single for THIS long!”

I felt quite embarrassed. Because he just called me beautiful! I wouldn’t mind if Zayn said so though. I really don’t like Harry. I mean he got a nice vocal and his smile is quite charming. But I really hate his hair and you know, his BEHAVIOR! He didn’t have to flirt with every single girl he saw! Niall is still single but it’s not like he’s bothering me, trying to flirt with me. He’s WAY better than Harry.

I smiled at Harry once more, “I’ve got self-control?”

“Wow!” Harry exclaimed, “The more we talk, the more you amuse me!”

Okay! He was really creeping me out now!

“Um, thanks?”

“It’s alright. You know, my apartment’s adjacent to the MIT compound. I’ll tell Zayn to bring you over someday. Then you’ll know my location and can come visit me anytime you want! You’ll come, won’t you?” he asked, hopefully.

So that you can rape me, freak? NEVER!  I curled my lips in distaste. But instead I just said, “Yes, of course. Sure.” I nodded.

I was feeling really uncomfortable talking with him. So when he stopped talking, I felt relieved!

Zayn was staring out the window. He couldn’t hear this little conversation that Harry and I had because of the loud music. I wondered what he would do if he heard. May be nothing?

Suddenly the car screeched to halt, “We’re there!” Liam declared.

“YAY!!” Louis bursted.

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